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API│Manual Task assignment
API│Manual Task assignment
eLogii avatar
Written by eLogii
Updated over a month ago

As is the case on the eLogii dashboard, Tasks can also be manually assigned via the API. This can be done using the POST request on the endpoint /tasks/assignManually.

Sample request payload


"taskIds": [
"driverId": "64d640028dfc81c11bda5b85",
"date": 20231030


Sample response

"result": 1,
"errors": [],
"ids": [

The task ID’s can be found in the response received when passing the requests GET/tasks (retrieving Tasks) and POST/tasks (task creation). The driver ID can be found in the response received after passing requests GET/drivers (retrieving drivers) and POST/drivers (driver profile creation).

Driver ID


Manual Task assignment may result in an unconstrained route, so constraints such as time windows, Driver Schedules, Service duration, and Vehicle capacity may not have been honored when creating the route.

To learn more about ‘unconstrained routes’ head over to our article here

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