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Getting Started Guide

Learn how to set-up your operations and get started with eLogii

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to eLogii. In this article, we will go over the key points of using eLogii and getting the most out of it for your operations.

In case you already started exploring on your own, feel free to jump ahead to any operation listed below to learn more about it:

If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please contact or see our Help Centre for further guides.

Sign In

To sign in, head over to and select Sign in.

Alternatively, you can sign in from and log into your account.

To log out of your account, click on the arrow next to your email on the right-hand side of the screen and select Log out. Here, you can also change your password and l app language.

Timezone Setup

Next, ensure that you have the correct Timezone set-up for your location. Note, that this is a mandatory step to ensure your ETAs are shown correctly, and in line with your Timezone.

This can be done in Configuration ⇒ Organization Profile ⇒ Timezone. Click Save once the Timezone has been selected.

Depot Set Up

Adding a depot is an important step in setting up your operations. A Depot is a central location from which your operations originate, i.e. deliveries from and/or pick-ups/collections.

A few examples of Depots are your warehouse, a central kitchen, or a main headquarters. Note, that this can also be the location from which your Drivers Start/End from, or if it's a custom address (i.e. their home address) this can be configured in their Driver Profile.

Setting up a depot can be done in Configuration ⇒ Depots ⇒ Add. Click Save once all the information has been added.


Dimensions refer to a specific unit(s) that define your Vehicle Capacity, which is a key factor used in Route Optimization.

Single or multiple dimensional units can be added, for example, Volume, Weight, Boxes, Pallets, Orders, etc. Note, use a unit(s) that you can define on both a Vehicle and Task level.

Setting up Dimension can be done in Configuration ⇒ Dimensions. Select Edit and input the Dimension Name and Unit (e.g. Weight and kg). Click Add and then Save once the changes have been added.

If you are not sure of what capacity unit to use or don't have a capacity unit, ignore this step, and leave the Default name.

Vehicle Set Up

Adding a new vehicle can be done in Vehicles ⇒ Add a vehicle.

Input all required data such as Vehicle Name and the Capacity previously set in Configuration. If you don't have a Capacity measurement for your Vehicles, set a large number (e.g. 10,000) for each Vehicle.

Click Save once all the required data has been added.

Driver Set Up

Adding a new driver can be done in Drivers ⇒ Add a driver.

Username and Password are mandatory fields for each Driver and will be used to log in to the eLogii Driver App. Click Save once all the required data has been added.

Next, it is important to assign a Vehicle to a Driver, and this can be done in Drivers ⇒ Driver Profile ⇒ Vehicle. Click Save once a vehicle has been selected.

Add Tasks

A Task constitutes a Pick-up and a Drop-off, and either can be defined by a Depot, a pre-set Customer, or a completely Custom Location.

For example, a simple Delivery from your Warehouse to a Customer may be defined as a Pick-up from your Depot and a Drop-off to a pre-defined Customer or Custom Location.

Tasks can be added either manually via the Dashboard, via CSV Import, or via an API integration to an internal and/or external system (e.g. eCommerce Platform, CRM, ERP, WMS, etc).

Add Tasks via the Dashboard

Navigate to Tasks ⇒ Add a Task and complete the following mandatory inputs:

  • Date

  • Pick-up Location

  • Delivery Location

  • Task Size, as per the Dimensions / Capacity Unit you have set up (leave as '0' if you're unsure of the Size / Capacity of the Task)

Add any other relevant information to the Task (e.g. Reference, Contact Information, Time Window, Driver Instructions, etc.) but this is not mandatory. Click on Save once all the information has been added.

Add Tasks via CSV Import

Navigate to Tasks ⇒ Import and Download CSV Template. Complete the following mandatory fields using the same format specified as the example in the CSV file:

  • Date - When the Task is to be done.

  • Dimensions / Capacity Unit - as you have specified (e.g. Volume, Weight, etc.)

  • Pick-up UID - this is either the Depot UID (Configuration ⇒ Depot) or Customer Location UID (Customer ⇒ Location)

  • Pick-up Address, Post Code, City, and Country - this is required if the Pick-up is from a Custom Location (leave Pick-up UID blank in this case)

  • Drop-off UID - this is either the Depot UID (Configuration ⇒ Depot) or Customer Location UID (Customer ⇒ Location)

  • Drop-off Address, Post Code, City, and Country - this is required if the Drop-off is to a Custom Location (leave Pick-up UID blank in this case)

Add any other relevant information to the Task (e.g. Reference, Contact Information, Time Window, Driver Instructions, etc.) but this is not mandatory.

Save the CSV file once you've added all the information and click Select CSV File in the Dashboard to Import the Tasks. If you have not included any Task geo-coordinates, click Geocode Addresses. Once this has been completed, click Import and your Tasks will now appear in the Operations / Planning screen for the selected date.

Planning and Route Optimization

The Operations / Planning tab allows for the dispatch and optimization of your Tasks. This can be done either automatically or manually. This operation can be performed either Today or any Future Date in advance.

On the Left, all the Tasks for that particular day are shown, and on the Right, all the Drivers scheduled for that day are shown.

Once you've set up your operations and all your Tasks and Drivers for that day have been added, simply click Optimize, and your Tasks will be Automatically Dispatched to your Drivers.

To view each Driver's Route, simply click on each Driver on the Right, and their Route will be shown below. Tasks are shown in the specific order of execution, with their respective ETA. To Route Timeline view is also available at the bottom of your screen.

Tasks can also be Manually Dispatched to Drivers, by either Drag-and-Drop or by enabling Selection Mode for one or more Tasks and then selecting Actions ⇒ Assign Tasks.

Driver App

The eLogii Driver App is available for both iOS and Android and can be downloaded from their respective App Stores.

Each Driver can log in using the following credentials set in their Driver Profile:

  • Organization ID (found in the top-right-hand corner of the Dashboard - same for all your Drivers)

  • Username

  • Password

Once Logged In, each Driver can see a List or Map view of their Tasks be selecting Tasks in the bottom-right corner of the App.

To Start a task, simply click Open Next Task, and the Driver will be guided through a step of actions to complete each Task.

Delivery app home screen

Proof of Delivery (POD)

In order to set up Proof of Delivery for your Tasks navigate to Configuration ⇒ Task Actions (POD). This can be configured separately for Pick-up and/or Drop-offs.

The following options can be selected, and this can either be Optional or Required for each or all of the respective actions that you've selected.

Once this has been set up, PODs will be applied for all Tasks automatically upon their creation/import and will appear in the eLogii Driver App as per the below. Note, that the proof of collection of these actions can be shown in the Task History.

Proof of Delivery actions in-app

Customer Notifications and Live Tracking

Email and/or SMS Notifications can be sent to your customers/end recipients of each Task, and this can be set up here: Configuration ⇒ Notifications.

These Notifications can be triggered at various points of the Task Lifecycle, and both the Email and/or SMS messages can be customized.

Each Notification includes a Tracking Link, as seen below (also Mobile-friendly), showing the following information:

  • Live ETA

  • Live Driver Tracking

  • Task History with POD

  • Driver Rating and Feedback

The information displayed in the Tracking Link can be customized here: Configuration ⇒ Tracking.

This concludes the Getting Started Guide, if you'd like to learn more about eLogii and/or if you have questions, you can either:

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