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Import Geocoding

Learn how to configure your geocoding when importing Tasks

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Written by eLogii
Updated over a month ago

In case you import addresses into eLogii, determining their geocoordinates is a mandatory step in the Task import process. Geocoding addresses can be done in Tasks β‡’ Import β‡’ Geocoding β‡’ Geocode Addresses.

This step is not necessary if you already have Latitude and Longitude defined in the import file and it will be skipped.

There are 4 types of geocoding results:

  1. OK - This means that the provider was able to retrieve matching results based on the provided data.

  2. Ambiguous - The provider was able to find multiple results in the database based on sent inputs, though the results may not be correct.

  3. Failed - The provider was not able to geocode the provided addresses.

  4. Pending - Addresses that have not been geocoded yet.

In case there is an issue with geocoding, there is a possibility of changing the location provider which can be done in Configuration β‡’ Address Lookup / Geocoding.

Additionally, there are other options that you can configure to make the geocoding results better, and you can find more information on that by checking out the Geocoding Options article. For example, you can enable the option to Force postcode match, which essentially means that the results that do not match the provided postcode will be marked as ambiguous, or to Exclude Tasks with ambiguous geocoding from optimization.

It's important to keep in mind that coordinates are used first, then address. That being said, here are some ways of avoiding location geocoding issues, especially when importing via API:

  1. Send updated coordinates within the Task data

  2. Use geocoding - send the location info without coordinates and the system will geocode it for you. Please keep in mind that the system will use the first result returned by the geocoding provider based on provided inputs, and quality of geocoding will largely depend on quality of provided address information. you may notice a slight difference in the results. Since the results are based on the 3rd party provider's data, at times a few addresses may fail to be geocoded (even by both providers) based on the input or the location hasn't been registered in the 3rd party provider's database.

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