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Import Errors

How to find and fix errors in your CSV files on import

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

In case there are any irregularities with the file, it will show up as a red notification above the file preview.

If you hover over the "Error" label - eLogii will provide suggestions as to where in your file the errors might be.

There are options of choosing between viewing only the rows with errors or downloading them.

Once all the errors have been fixed, you can proceed with reimporting the file.

Alternatively, the file containing the errors can be imported, but please note that records with errors will be excluded automatically.

Common issues with imported files include date format being incorrect, other formats not matching the required format and/or missing data fields.

Common import Errors

While there is an option to download a CSV file with all the errors that occurred on import, it is often that the errors are hard to pinpoint. The following are the most common ones.

1. Using symbols from languages other than English

A prime example of this is importing tasks located in Germany. Using umlaut (ä, ö, ü) and sharp s (ß) in the CSV will cause import errors as eLogii won’t recognize it, instead use a,o and u and for sharp s input double s (ss).

2. Changing column titles

Unless mapping is used, changing the column titles will cause eLogii to not recognize the information it is supposed to provide. One example of this is changing the column name to a capital letter (Reference û, reference ü).

3. Adding the address without the city (dropoff.City)

When a location is being added for either pickup or dropoff actions, the address, as well as the city it is located in, is mandatory, otherwise, eLogii won’t be able to properly geocode the location and will return an error.

4. Adding customer location UID without the customer UID

When using customer location for either pickup or dropoff, it is important to also add the customer UID so that the location is matched with the customer. Vice versa, if only customer UID is added, eLogii won’t automatically apply their address because it is possible to have multiple addresses for a single customer.

5. Customer UIDs do not match

When importing tasks for customers, make sure that the UID from the CSV file matches the one in eLogii. The names must be identical so that the system can match the task to the appropriate Customer. In addition, if you've made any updates to customer UIDs, they need to be reflected in eLogii before importing new tasks.

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