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Cost Calculation

Configuring how costs are calculated

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 7 months ago

Cost Calculation allows you to keep track of all the costs across Routes. You can track and calculate different parameters, such as hourly/daily Driver costs, as well as dimension/kilometer costs per Vehicle, and many other options.

Cost calculation is calculated during Route optimization. If any Driver or Vehicle costs are modified post-optimization, the new changes will not be applied immediately. Tasks would need to be unassigned and re-assigned to drivers so that eLogii can re-calculate costs and apply new ones.

The option Route cost calculation needs to be enabled for any of the mentioned options to be captured and to work.

Cost calculation setup

Setting up cost calculations can be done in Configuration Cost Calculation.

There are multiple options for customization:

  1. Route cost calculation – Whether the route’s cost will automatically be calculated by eLogii

  2. Round up to unit – Whether to round up cost to unit - e.g. 72 min will be counted as 2 times cost per hour, 1.2km will be accounted for as 2 times cost per km.

  3. Tiered cost inputs - Whether route cost inputs will be single values or tiered between bands

  4. Tiered cost for dimensions is specified as total cost - Whether Route cost inputs for dimensions are specified as total cost instead of per single unit of this dimension

  5. Tiered cost for distance is specified as total cost - Whether Route cost inputs for distance (per km/mile, depending on your profile settings) are specified as total cost instead of per single unit of this dimension.

  6. Open Route cost details by default - When a route is selected on Planning screen, this feature will enable showing cost details automatically (otherwise, it can be opened by clicking the cost label on the route card)

  7. Special handling of Task cost when multiple tasks at same location - When there are multiple tasks at the same location, this feature allows eLogii to calculate cost as part of total dimensions for location, not based on this individual task

Cost calculation options for Drivers

Customization options for Drivers is also possible. Users are able to choose if they want to include or exclude any of the following options for Driver cost calculation:

  1. Include per hour cost - Whether to include Per Hour cost in Driver details. Per Hour cost can be used on its own, or in combination with fixed daily rate through the option below.

  2. Include per day cost - Whether to include Per Day cost Driver details. This can be a fixed daily compensation used on its own, or it can be used in combination with hourly rate through the option above.

Adding Driver’s cost can be done in the Drivers Driver’s profile Cost.

The cost that is inputted will be factored in when calculating route’s cost.

Click Save once the changes have been added.

Cost calculation options for Vehicles

The following Customization options for Vehicles can be enabled or disabled:

  1. Include per hour cost - Whether to include Per Hour cost specified in driver details. Per Hour cost can be used on its own, or in combination with fixed daily rate through the option below.

  2. Include per day cost - Whether to include Per Day cost specified in driver details. This can be a fixed daily compensation used on its own, or in combination with hourly rate through the option above.

  3. Include per kilometer cost - Whether to include per kilometer cost specified in vehicle details

  4. Include per dimension cost - Whether to include per dimension cost specified in vehicle details.

Adding Vehicle costs can be done in the Vehicles ⇒ Vehicle Profile ⇒ Cost.

The costs per unit X that are added here will be factored in when calculating route cost.

Click Save once the changes have been added.

💡 Pro tip - Calculate cost per day for the entire day

To achieve this, we recommend enabling the Round up to unit option! This means that costs will be calculated for the whole day, instead of the percentage of the Route duration.

To enable any of the features mentioned above, Route Cost Calculation needs to be enabled.

Click Save once all the parameters have been set.

Including Order Value in Cost Calculation

If you're using the order value Task option, it's possible to add it to the overall cost calculation.

Including the Order value in the cost calculation can be done in the Configuration Cost Calculation.

Click Save at the top right-hand side once the feature has been enabled.

​Viewing Cost calculation analytics

You can view Route cost calculation analytics by clicking on the Cost calculation Icon on the Driver card on the right hand side of the Planning screen. This will prompt a graph with a detailed breakdown of your costs.

This information can also be exported in CSV format by selecting Exports ⇒ Route export. Before exporting, make sure all Cost related data is selected.

You can export data for all Routes, or for particular ones by entering selection mode, selecting the Drivers whose Route's you'd like to analyze costs for, and then exporting.

Lastly, the total Route cost calculation can be viewed within the Analytics section.

In addition to Cost calculation, eLogii gives users the option to enable Revenue calculation as well.

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