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Vehicle Categories

Setting up vehicle categories

eLogii avatar
Written by eLogii
Updated over 11 months ago

If your subscription plan includes vehicle categories, you can specify the category on a vehicle-by-vehicle basis, for example, bicycle, truck, large truck, and so on, which will impact your optimization results, depending on the vehicle category included in the optimization.

This will ensure that for example the correct maps are used - for instance, a bike will therefore be routed on bike routes (if available for the country and region in question). Average speeds taken for optimization will also relate to the chosen vehicle.

Vehicle categories impact optimization in terms of directing vehicles to the best routes based on their overall size. Referring back to the same example, bicycles and trucks will not be assigned the same routes namely because of the differences in dimension and speed.

When selecting a vehicle category, you are selecting speed and dimension presets which are sent to the routing provider, and based on those, routes are generated.

Keep in mind that average sizes and speeds are used for each category, but you can further influence this by setting up your vehicle's dimensions in the truck specifications section. This data will be sent to the routing provider and the routes will be adjusted based on the vehicle dimensions you specified.

Setting up vehicle categories so they can be differentiated can be done in one of two ways.

One is adding it in the Vehicles β‡’ Vehicle Profile.

Click Save once the category has been selected.

The second way is adding it in the Vehicles β‡’ Vehicle Types β‡’ Type profile.

When a vehicle type is assigned to a vehicle, the category, as well as other specifications, will be automatically applied as well.

Click Save once the category has been selected.

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