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Recurring Tasks and Task Templates
Recurring Tasks and Task Templates

Automatically schedule repeating Tasks

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 3 months ago

If a Task is consistently being performed (for example a drop-off daily to the same customer site), the workflow behind it can be automated. This tells eLogii that it needs to create these Tasks following a defined pattern. Therefore a Task Template is created which eLogii can reference whenever it needs to create recurring Tasks.

Firstly, the Task Template feature needs to be enabled in Configuration ⇒ General Settings ⇒ Task Plans.

Creating Recurring Tasks

Setting a recurring Task can be done in Tasks once a Task has been selected under Actions ⇒ Create a Template.

You will be presented with two options:

  1. Create new/Override - This option allows you to create an entirely new Task template, or to override an existing one with new information. Additionally, you can choose if you'd like to keep the Task scheduled as is (in case it's already been scheduled in the future), remove all future scheduled instances of the Task you wish to override, or remove and reschedule the overridden Task.

  2. Add to recurring Tasks - This option will allow you to add a Task under an existing recurring Task. Once added to the Task, it will adopt the schedule pattern set for the existing recurring Task. You can also choose to keep the same assigned Driver/Agent.

Creating a recurring Task from the Operations screen is also possible. You can just right-click the Task you want to create as a recurring Task and select how you'd like to create it.

Creating templates on a Route basis is also possible. To learn how to do this refer to this article.

Recurring Task Customization

Once you created your recurring Tasks, you can find them within the Recurring Tasks section of eLogii.

You will have an overview of all the created recurring Tasks which you can edit and adjust further.


The Details section of your recurring Tasks gives you basic information such as when the Recurring Task was created and last edited, how many Tasks are within this group, and if the assignees are kept when creating newly scheduled Tasks from the Schedule pattern.

You can rename these by clicking the Edit button.

Setting the Schedule Pattern

The Schedule Pattern allows setting the recurring Task’s behavior such as frequency and interval of recurrence, as well as the days and dates the Tasks will be created for.

Schedule - This section shows all the patterns created for the selected set of recurring Tasks.

Schedule frequency - This option lets you define how often you would like to schedule new Tasls - either on a monthly or weekly basis. The interval of scheduling can also be specified here - how often you would like for these Tasks to be scheduled per your chosen basis.

Schedule for the following days or dates - eLogii lets you define when your Tasks can be scheduled. For example, if you choose Monday and Wednesday, that would tell eLogii to schedule Tasks exclusively for Mondays and Wednesday. A date range for this particular schedule can be defined as well. The set pattern will only apply to the set date range. This is useful if you, for example, plan to service your client 2x a week for this month, but next month you would need to visit them 3x a week.

When to schedule for the next week - This option automates the scheduling process. A specific day of the week can be chosen for when you want eLogii to schedule Tasks from this recurring Task group.

Click Add Pattern when all the changes have been added.

Viewing Scheduled Tasks

All the scheduled Tasks can be viewed in the Scheduled Tasks section. Clicking the Open Tasks button will redirect you to the Task section of eLogii which contains only the selected Tasks.

Recurring Task Pattern Actions

The following actions are possible for Recurring Tasks:

  • Activating/Deactivating Patterns - Depending on the current state of your Recurring Tasks, you'll have the option to either deactivate an Active pattern or activate a Deactivated pattern. Activating the pattern means that Tasks will be scheduled following the set schedule pattern, while deactivating would stop the creation of new Tasks.

  • Show scheduled Tasks - Clicking this button will take you to the Task section of eLogii where only the scheduled Tasks from the selected pattern will be shown.

  • Schedule for period - Allows you to immediately schedule Tasks from the selected pattern for a specified period.

  • Remove for period - This option lets you define the period for which you wish to remove scheduled Tasks.

  • Delete - This option will delete the selected pattern.

  • Task templates - Clicking this button will take you to the Task template section where the Tasks that belong to the Recurring Task group you were viewing will be filtered.

Bulk actions for selected patterns are possible, and the available options are Activating/Deactivating, and Deleting the selected patterns.

Task Templates

Task Templates is a part of the Recurring Routes and Tasks feature, and it displays all the Tasks that are added under Recurring Routes, or Recurring Tasks. This section does not display all scheduled Tasks for a period of time, instead, it shows all the Tasks that are used as templates for creating newly scheduled Tasks based on Recurring Routes and Tasks.

You can filter the Tasks you wish to see based on the Recussing Route or Task group they belong to.

Additionally, Tasks can also be filtered based on their assigned Team, reference, and UID.

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