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Route Reorder

Learn how to allow your drivers to reorder their tasks

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 12 months ago

Allowing drivers to manually reorder their routes in the app can be done in Configuration β‡’ Driver App β‡’ Allow driver to reorder route.

It's important to note that reordering Tasks in a Route locks the Route. This means that if a Driver reorders their route on the phone that Route will be locked, as otherwise their changes would be overwritten on next change from the dashboard. Routes can be locked manually through the dashboard, upon Driver route reorder and via API. Locking a Task will not lock the entire route,

Drivers are able to reorder all Tasks regardless of their time windows. This also affects Driver breaks, meaning that Drivers can also rearrange when they can have a break.

Click Save once the feature has been enabled.

The Driver needs to enable the Route reorder option from the Task section and drag and drop Tasks to where they want them on the Task list. Once they're done with changing the order of their Tasks they need to tap on "Update Route Order" and the changes will be applied. Doing this will subsequently lock the Route and the Driver will not be able to make any changes to the route unless it's unlocked from eLogii Dashboard. This is what it looks like for the Driver using the app.

In addition, Route reordering may impact and alter the calculations for other features such as Cost calculation, Route distance, Route duration and so on. If the Route has been altered in any way, the system will take into account and recalculate new values for features that are in use.

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