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How does the Driver App work?
How does the Driver App work?

Basic Driver App introduction and walkthrough

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Written by eLogii
Updated over a year ago

The eLogii Driver App can be downloaded for both Android and iOS from their respective stores.

In terms of the Driver App data usage - this will depend on amount of transmitted photos and other data, but normally it is fairly low, as regular data and location updates should be on order of magnitude of 10 - 20MB / day

For more information on how to set up Driver App location permissions check out this article.

In this article, you will learn how to

Logging in

To log into the app, the driver will need Organization ID, username and password which need to be setup beforehand.

More information on setting up the above mentioned can be found in this article.

When the information has been added, tap on Login.

Profile Settings

Customizing your profile settings can be done in Menu ⇒ My Profile

Here you can select app language as well as updating your mobile number, username and password.

Viewing Tasks

Once the driver has been assigned tasks, they can view them in Tasks in the bottom right-hand side of their screen. The Driver can also toggle between different dates by tapping the blue arrows on the screen, or by selecting an exact date from the date picker.

It is also possible to view the entire route (all tasks for a driver for a particular day) on a map.

Navigation Options

Drivers can choose between Google Maps, Waze and Here for their navigation.

To select a navigation software, click on Open Next Task ⇒ Start ⇒ Navigate.

Here you can choose the appropriate provider and the app will redirect to an external mapping provider which your Drivers can choose to use for navigation.

Completing a Task

When the driver arrives on-site, whether it’s a pickup or delivery, they should mark the task state as completed.

Depending on what configuration was previously set for their workflow in the dashboard, they will either have mandatory data to input (for example taking a photo, signature etc.) or can proceed to completing the task right away.

To complete the task state, select Finish.

Once finished, the driver will be forwarded to the next task they need to complete.

POD capture

There are different options for Proof of Delivery in eLogii, and depending on your setup, Drivers may be able to capture multiple PODs for a single Task. It's possible to assign multiple POD actions for a single Task or Task Items. Drivers are able to capture a photo POD (one or multiple photos), capture customer's signature, scan a barcode and many more. PODs can be made mandatory, which means that Drivers will not be able to complete Tasks without fulfilling POD requirements.

Task Problem

If there are any issues with task completion, and the driver is enabled to mark them as such, they can do so in Finish Task ⇒ Problem.

The Problem button is used in case there is an issue with completing the task state

Depending on the workflow previously set, the driver can add further information about the task failure which will be visible to your operations team (as well as your customer / end recipient if you configure as such.

Click Save once the information has been added.

Search Tasks in Driver App

This feature needs to be enabled in Configuration.

Allowing drivers to search through their route’s tasks in-app, can be done in Configuration ⇒ Driver App ⇒ Allow drivers to search for tasks.

In the delivery app, by selecting Search Tasks, the driver will be able to set multiple parameters for filtering through tasks.

Once the parameters have been set, select Search Tasks and all the tasks that match the requirements will be shown.

Driver can click on a task and complete it retroactively, which is useful in case there have previously forgotten to complete the app workflow.

Start/End Break

Setting up driver start and end breaks can be done in the Drivers ⇒ Driver profile ⇒ Schedule. For more information on how to set up drivers schedule, refer to this article.

Starting or ending a break in-app is done automatically. Once the driver completes the last Task before the break, this will be prompted when they tap on "Next Task". Once their break is over, they can simply tap on "Continue work".

Depending on your organization settings, Drivers can be given the permission to change the order in which Tasks are executed in app, and this includes the ability to shift the time of their breaks. Drivers are able to see when their break is in the Task list section of the Driver app. To change the order of their Tasks, they need to hold their finder on the Task they wish to reorder and drag it up or down the list.

Manual Sync

Sometimes connectivity issue with particular drivers / mobile devices occur and the app does not get to send the data updates quickly enough before it's cut off by the operating system running in the background.

To combat this, we've enabled the manual sync buttons, where the driver can manually initiate the data sync and wait for it to complete.

To sync data, firstly tap the Reconnect Now button and then tap Sync Now. This will sync all Task actions performed offline and transfer recorded data to eLogii. All Task actions will be updated once the Driver syncs data.

Additional Driver app options:

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