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Customizing the Driver App

Restricting what the driver can do in their app

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Customizing what the driver can see and do in their app profile can be done in Configuration ⇒ Driver App.

In this section a support phone number can be added that the driver can call in case an issue occurs, the default app language, preventing the driver from changing their profile data as well as disabling problem workflow.

Route and task options allow customizing their routes with features such as reordering their tasks in-app and having the ability to start them in any order.

Adding a pre/post checklist will oblige the driver to ensure all the requirements set have been met before starting/completing their route.

Also possible is enabling confirmation when a task state is updated, enabling a single POD for the driver when there are multiple tasks at the same location and showing the task information to the recipient before they sign (if enabled in Task Actions).

💡Pro tip - Apply the same POD actions to Tasks at the same Location

This feature will copy the first POD to the other tasks in the same group POD actions for deliveries on the same location)

Only successful PODs, not the failed one, will be copied to the remaining Tasks at the same location.

So, for example if you have a couple of tasks at the same location and you don't want to waste time recording PODs for each of them, this option enables you to accomplish this since it will use the POD details from the first Task and apply them to others at that location.

💡Pro tip - Barcode scanning

If Drivers have multiple Barcodes to scan at a warehouse, for example, you can allow them to select one of them in-app and scan the Barcode out of order (if you enable the Enable scanning items out of order option). Pair that with the Automatically complete task / item on successful barcode scan option and the Driver App will auto mark this item as done.

You can further reduce manual steps in the workflow with automatic task state updates upon barcode scanning as well as when driver is in the proximity of the location (geo-fencing).

Geo-fencing can be configured to prevent the driver from making any updates unless they are within the preset radius of the task.

Allowing the driver to edit an already completed task is also possible, if for example they've accidentally marked it as successfully completed, when it should be stated as failed.

Also configurable is the task information shown to driver upfront. There are numerous options of when it comes to information they can see such as task UID, city, country, items, contact information, ETA, etc.

Click on Save once all the desired parameters have been set.

In addition, you are able to disable the Task problem workflow for the DriverApp by selecting the Disable problem workflow option.

Another option you have is to Show delivery contact on pickup which can be enabled in Configuration ⇒ Driver App ⇒ Show delivery contact on pickup.

The logic of this option is to enable the Driver to see who they are collecting the pickup for.

In case you have a specific loading order that Drivers need to follow when loading packages into their vehicles you can enable the Sort tasks at the same location by loading order feature. This will sort the Pickup Tasks by loading order and this will only be visible in the Driver App.

Other options include:

  • Prevent driver from changing their profile data - Enabling this will prevent Drivers from making any changes to their profile i.e. their Name, last name, number etc.

  • Do not group tasks at the same locations - This feature will not group Tasks located on the same location, but rather show them separately.

  • Show assigned route UID on Home Screen - The Route UID will be displayed to the Driver on the app home screen.

  • Allow drivers to start tasks in any order - If this is enabled, Drivers are free to start Tasks in any order they like, regardless of their position on the route.

  • Allow drivers to edit completed tasks - If enabled, Drivers can revisit their completed Tasks in the Completed section of the Task list and edit them. They can edit completed Task regardless of their completion date.

  • Allow drivers to search for tasks - This allows Drivers to search and filter Tasks based on UID, Reference, Date range, and more.

  • Allow driver to reorder route - This option gives the Driver the freedom to change the order of Task execution.

  • Show tasks loading list - This will display the loading order list to the Driver,

  • Allow driver to set task loaded state - This option gives the Driver the option to set the loaded state as completed before proceeding to the delivery.

  • Prevent drivers from starting tasks for tomorrow - Drivers will not be given the option to start their routes for the next day. This is a useful feature if you plan your routes ahead.

  • Navigate driver to end location - After completing their route, the Driver will be navigated to the predetermined end location by the app.

  • Checklist items - This will allow you to create checklists for Drivers for when they begin their route and for when they complete it. This is useful to have if, for example, Drivers need to prepare specific equipment for their jobs, or if they have a to-do preparation list before they start delivering.

  • Show confirmation before updating task state - Activating this option will trigger a pop up which will ask the Driver to confirm that this is the step they want to take.

  • Single POD actions for deliveries at same location - This will apply all POD completed actions for multiple Tasks at the same location.

  • Show task information to recipient for confirmation before signing - Before a customer gives their signature, they will be shown all the Task information.

  • Allow driver to select vehicle - Drivers can choose which vehicle they're operating.

  • Enable scanning items out of order - Allows Drivers to scan barcodes regardless of the Task order.

  • Automatically complete task / item on successful barcode scan (if only required action) - If barcode scanning is set as a mandatory action, successfully scanning the barcode will automatically complete the task.

  • Prevent update outside of geofence - Prevent the Driver from setting Task State to 'Arrived' if they are not within a specified geofence radius around Task location.

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