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Time Windows

Learn how to use Task time windows in eLogii

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Time windows are an optional asset, meaning that you can import Tasks without specifying the the range within which they need to be completed. Time windows are considered as a constraint in eLogii, which means that if the engine cannot place the Task on a Route for an appropriate Driver, while honoring its time windows, it will be considered as unviable.

There are two types of time windows you can add in eLogii:

  1. Pickup time windows - this type of time window refers to the time during which a Task can be picked up from your Depot, or some other location.

  2. Delivery time window - refers to the time during which the Driver needs to be at the delivery location.

You can have both pickup and delivery times specified, or just one of them.

Adding time windows to Tasks

Time windows can be specified either by adding them manually, or via CSV or API Task import.

When manually creating a Task, time windows can be specified within the Details section of the Task for both pickup and delivery respectively.

The time selector lets you specify the the hour and the minute of the time window. Alternatively, you can write the times for your time window without using the selector to pick the time.

When specifying time windows in the CSV file, the pickup time window should be under (or mapped to) the name pickupTimeWindowStart (for the start time of the time window) and pickupTimeWindowEnd (for the end time of the time window).

The same logic applies to delivery time windows, though the field names of columns should be timeWIndowStart and timeWindowEnd.

The allowed time format for import is hh:mm (for example, 8:30, 13:15, 22:00 etc.).

Multiple time windows

Multiple time windows are supported in eLogii, however currently they can only be added via CSV or API import. At the moment, it's possible to add multiple time windows for deliveries only, at the moment.

To import multiple time windows, the column name in the file should be timeWindows, and the value in the cell should be hh:mm-hh:mm, hh:mm-hh:mm (for example 10:00-13:00, 14:00-15:30). Make sure that there is at least 1 minute of difference between the end time of the first time window and the beginning of the second one (values such as 10:00-13:00, 13:00-15:30 would not be able to be optimized, but 10:00-13:00, 13:01-15:30 would be eligible for optimization). It's possible to add more than two time windows, though each new time window must be separated by comma.

If you have some instances where you need to use multiple time windows for some Tasks, but for others, you only need one time window, you would add hh:mm-hh:mm for those Tasks, and they will be recognized as Tasks with singular time windows.

Currently, once imported, the time windows cannot be edited manually via Task edit. You can view the time windows when you click on the task to view its details.

Time windows and Tolerances

Because time windows are hard constraints, eLogii will always aim to honor that constraint, If the Task cannot be completed within its time window, then eLogii will not include it in any Route and will set an Unviable state to that Task.

However, if you wish to bypass time windows, you can set an earliness and/or lateness tolerance for your Drivers. This means that eLogii will consider that the Driver is allowed to arrive either later or earlier to the delivery location. The allowed amount of time will depend on what is specified in your configuration settings, or on your Driver's profile. For example, if you set a lateness or earliness tolerance of 60 minutes, this means that the Driver is allowed to be at the delivery location up to 60 minutes outside of the Task time window (either early or late, depending on your configuration).

Quick time window actions

In case you need to extend time windows, or change them completely, for some Tasks, you can do it in bulk by selecting multiple Tasks and then Extend time windows in the Actions menu under Resolve . Adjust the time window to your liking and Save. Please note that this can only be performed for singular time windows, and you cannot change multiple time windows. Tasks with multiple time windows can be edited this way as well, but once you apply changes, they will have only one time window.

You can also Clear time windows in case you need to delete multiple time windows for one or more Tasks, select the Tasks and under the Action menu go to Resolve and select Clear time windows. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm your action, and once you do, all time windows for selected Tasks will be cleared.

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