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Learn how to a create a customer and edit their information

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Adding a Customer allows you to have pre-populated data (for example regarding locations and contact information, as well as proof of delivery preferences) when creating a Task (manually, via CSV upload, or API) and linking to a particular Customer.

Enabling the Customer Tab

The Customer tab must be enabled in Configuration to be available. To do this, navigate to Configuration β‡’ Dashboard Settings β‡’ Enable management of customers and their locations. Click Save once to apply changes.

The Customer tab should now be fully visible.

Adding a Customer

To add a Customer, navigate to the Customers tab.

You can opt between adding a customer manually via form or bulk-importing them with a CSV file.

Adding a customer via API is also possible. For more information on this, please refer to our API documentation.

Alongside the Customer's name, you can also specify other pieces of information such as contact first name, phone, email, and which Team In case you associate a Customer to a Team, it means that all Tasks related to that Customer can only be executed by the selected Teams. However, if you have Customers who are not associated with any teams, enabling the Show customers without a team to everyone in Configuration β‡’ Dashboard Settings, the Tasks associated with those Customers will be able to be executed by everyone.

It's also possible to edit specific fields within the customer profile and they are as follows:

Defining Locations

Typically, you can have Customers in eLogii without adding specific locations, but if you would like for eLogii to auto-populate the location and contact information based on Customer inputs, you need to have at least one location defined. It is possible to have multiple locations for a single Customer as well.

To add a new location, switch to the Locations tab and click Add.

Once you do this, you can add a new location for your customer and information such as contact details and service duration specific to that location, alongside address, coordinates, and other relevant information.

If you would like to pinpoint a customer's exact location if the coordinates are not precise enough, you may do so by selecting the Edit Address info button.

A pop-up will show where you can make the necessary adjustments. Drag the screen until the yellow dot marks the exact location you want recorded. Click Save to apply changes.

You can have as many locations as you want, and they can have completely different contact information.

Customer profile contact information and Customer location contact information are two different data points.

eLogii will populate the Task contact information exclusively with the Customer contact information associated with a particular location. This means that if your Customer has one location, and if you haven't specified any location contact information, but you have contact information for the Customer profile, eLogii will not auto-populate the Task contact information with that, and those fields will remain empty. Customer profile contact information is usually used for internal documentation purposes, while location contact information is used for Pickup/Delivery actions and notifications.

Task Defaults

Task Defaults represent default actions applied to Tasks associated with particular Customers. Task Defaults will always override general settings for these actions.

You can set task priority, attach specific skill requirements and capabilities, POD actions, and email and SMS notifications. These will always override actions set in configuration, so Tasks associated with a particular Customer will always have these specifics applied to them.

Switch to the Task Defaults tab in your Customer profile to make these changes and click Save to apply them


This is where you set up the specifics of the Customer Dashboard. To learn more about this, please refer to this article.

Customer-facing information

In this section, you can add information such as the company name or email.

Associating Tasks with Customers

If you wish to associate a Task to a particular location, select the desired Customer in the Customer field, and then select the Customer's location for either your pickup or delivery location.

In case you have multiple Customer locations, upon selecting the Customer, make sure to select the location you want to use for a particular Task.

If you upload Tasks via CSV, you need to use the Location UID for your desired pickup/dropoff location. The location UID and the Customer UID are not the same and are used for different purposes. We would populate the customerUID field with the customer UID from the customer profile to let eLogii know that this Task is associated with this particular customer and that Customer-specific Task defaults should be applied, and the Location UID under the dropoffUID/pickupUID to tell eLogii where the Task needs to go.

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