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Proof of Delivery

Proof of Delivery Actions

eLogii avatar
Written by eLogii
Updated this week

Setting up PODs

Setting up PODs as part of the workflow can be done in Configuration β‡’ Task Actions (POD).

This will control your Drivers' actions in the Driver app to add Proof of Delivery (POD) events.

Setting them as required or optional for Task state completion is also possible.

You can configure POD actions for both Task Pickup and Task Delivery and POD actions for failed Tasks (i.e., a set of actions that should be taken when failing a Task). In case you use Singe-Segment optimization, you don't need to set up any Pickup POD actions, since this optimization model ignores Pickup as an action. and only considers Delivery (which is why you would only need to set up Delivery POD actions).

Types of PODs eLogii allows you to capture:

  • Signature - Allows workers to capture e-signatures from customers.

  • Photo - Workers can take photos of the Task and upload them to the Driver App.

  • Numeric Code input - Allows workers to input a specific numeric code to confirm Task completion.

  • Barcode Scan - Tasks and/or Items can be scanned via the Driver App. Usually, the barcode is attributed to a Task by populating the Barcode/ Product code field, however, enabling the Use reference as product code/barcode option will set the values under the Reference field as the barcode.

  • Comment - Allows workers to leave comments on POD capture.

  • Confirmation - Workers can confirm various actions.

  • Cash on Delivery - Enables workers to receive cash on Task completion.

  • Custom PODs - Create and customize PODs.

For Cash on Delivery, please note that you need to have a specified Order Value for each Task if you want to capture this type of POD. In case the Order Value has not been specified, Cash on Delivery will not appear as an option for that Task in the DriverApp.

Depending on your account configuration, you can set up PODs for Task Items as well, alongside Pickup and Delivery actions.

Kindly note that if you have PODs set up for both the Task and the Task Items the Driver App will show 2 sections for PODs on the Task - the top section is for the Task, and the bottom section is for the item within the Task. POD for Task items can be disabled in the Task Actions (POD) section of Configuration settings under the Item Actions section.

eLogii also gives you the option to apply Item actions to the entire Task when that Task has no Items associated with it. You can read more about Item PODs here.

Click Save once all the parameters have been set.

There is no limit in terms of how many photos the Drivers can take for POD. This means that in case you wish Drivers to attach photo PODs for each Task Item - it is possible and supported by eLogii.

πŸ’‘Pro tip

If you have multiple orders at the same location and you would like for them to be confirmed with just a single photo or signature, you can enable the Single POD actions for deliveries at the same location option. This will allow you to capture one POD and apply it to all the tasks at the same location.

Please note that the Single POD actions for deliveries at the same location feature applies globally and categorizes Tasks to be at the same location based on their coordinates. In case there are two different businesses in the same location (with the same geocoordinates), because there is no way to distinguish between them based on their name, the system will read them as two Tasks at the same location.

PODs can be set on a Task, Task Item, and Customer level.

Finding PODs

All PODs are recorded and stored in your Tasks' History. To find it, go to Tasks β‡’ Task profile β‡’ History β‡’ Data Updates

Here, not only are you able to see all the collected PODs, but you can also view the exact geographical location of where the POD was captured. Clicking on the location icon under the POD will prompt a popup which will display the recorded location on the map.

Cash on Delivery POD setup

This can be done in Configuration β‡’ Task Actions (POD) by selecting the appropriate Task stage (Pickup or Delivery) on which the cash should be collected.

You can also allow amounts lower than the order value to be collected, with an additional comment.

There is also the option of adding this POD action on a Customer or Task level., and Cash on Delivery is also possible for Items.

Click Save to apply changes.

Printing PODs

You are also able to download and print a single POD or multiple in batch, but this depends on whether your pricing plan has this option included.

After selecting a Task, click on the Action button and choose the option to Print the Proof of delivery.

Printing batch PODs for a selected number of Tasks can be done in Tasks β‡’ Filter Tasks β‡’ Selection β‡’ Actions β‡’ Batch Proof of delivery (PDF).

Selecting to download in Zip format will create a link that you can click and download the PODs packed in a ZIP file.

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