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Customizing Proof of Delivery

Lean how to create Custom POD Forms.

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Written by eLogii
Updated over a month ago

Unique POD requirements can be specified on a Task and Customer level. These custom changes will override the Original configuration settings because they are more specific.

To set up custom POD actions for each Customer, go to Customer ⇒ Task defaults, and under Task actions (POD), select the toggle next to Actions to use from System to Override. Once you toggle this, you will be able to make adjustments. These presets will apply exclusively to Tasks associated with this specific customer, and the setup from Configuration will be overridden by this one.

It's also possible to do this on a Task level, so if you have a Task with different POD requirements, once you create it in eLogii, you can configure it in Task ⇒ Actions (POD) and specify the Custom POD actions you wish to apply for this Task.

Customizing how fields are viewed in the Driver app

In addition to all this, you can set some custom fields to be read-only and have others customizable by your Drivers. This is especially useful for cases when you want to have some information visible to the Drivers, but not have them alter it.

To set this up, go to Configuration ⇒ Driver App

You can find 2 options:

  • Custom data - makes all your custom fields visible to the Drivers. You may exclude the fields you do not want visible to them. If left empty, all fields are visible by default.

  • Edit Custom data - lets you specify which custom data fields are editable. Excluded custom fields will be read-only. If left empty, all fields are editable by default.

It's important to note that, even though custom PODs are set up from the Custom fields section, and then through the Task Action section, once they are added as PODs and populated by Drivers from the Driver app, they will be treated as all standard PODs. This means that you will be able to view them in Task History, and in case you want to create, for example, a Recurring Task from a completed Task that has POD data collected, the documented information will not be transferred to the Recurring Task (because documented POD data is not transferred). Instead, the Task in its default state will be created as a template.

Please keep in mind that all these changes are not retroactive. This means that the changes will not apply to Tasks that were already imported in eLogii before the changes were made. In order to have these changes apply to these Tasks, they would need to be re-uploaded into eLogii.

Custom POD Action names

This feature allows users to set custom POD titles to better suit their business needs. By default, the names of POD actions displayed in the Driver app mirror the actual action names from the configuration. For example, Capturing a photo will always be displayed as "Photo" in the Driver app since the name of this action in the Configuration is also "Photo."

To change how the POD action name is displayed in the Driver app Navigate to Configuration ⇒ Task Actions (POD) and enter the desired name for any configured action in the box under it.

Once you've set everything up, click Save. After saving your settings, POD action names will be changed and it will look something like this:

Multiple Actions of the Same Type

It is also possible to have multiple POD actions of the same type. For example, if you would like to have the option to add multiple Comment types of POD actions, you are able to do so by selecting the same action.

You can use these two features in tandem with each other, which is ideal if your workers need to document specific things after completing the Task.

For example, if they need to document whether the package was received and if the customer took the invoice, you can configure two Yes/No options. One could be for "Package received" and the other one for "Invoice taken".

Alternatively, if your workers need to write a report after completing their Task, you can have multiple comment actions whose titles specify which information workers need to write down.

As is the case with regular POD actions, these ones will be stored in eLogii within Task History.

Custom POD Actions

In case there are specific POD actions that need to be completed that are outside of the traditional POD Actions, you can set up entirely custom pickup/delivery actions per Task or item (or both) by configuring either Custom Data fields or Forms to act as specific POD steps.

Custom fields as POD

Custom POD forms let you create PODs from scratch. For this feature to be available to you, you need to have Custom fields enabled on your plan, because Task custom data is used for creating custom POD forms.

Setting up

To set up custom POD forms you need to go to Configuration ⇒ Custom Fields ⇒ Task fields. You are free to specify which type of POD field you would like this to be. For example, if you decide when the next visit to the customer will be on the spot, Driver can enter that date in the appropriate field once they finish working with the customer. In this case, you would want to set up a Date custom field like in the example below.

Next, you need to navigate to Configuration ⇒ Task Actions (POD) and select Custom field input from the dropdown, and select the form you want to use. You can select multiple forms at once. Make sure that your Custom field name is changed to match how you would like the action to be called, otherwise, it will keep the default name and Drivers will see it as Custom field input. Once you're happy with the setup click Save.

It should look something like this in the Driver app.

If you include multiple custom fields in one form they will all appear in it once the Driver selects the form. For example, if you would like Drivers to add comments to the Next appointment i.e. notes for what to bring next time, they can do that if you attach a text field to the form. To achieve this, create a custom field whose Field type is Text / Number

and Value(s) type is Text. Once you save it, add it to the form and this is how it will appear on the Driver app:

Forms as custom POD

Forms can be configured as custom POD actions. This is ideal for cases when your workers are required to fill out a questionnaire, or a report after completing a Task.


The first step to configuring this custom POD type would be creating the form the Drivers should fill out.

After creating and saving your form, navigate to Configuration ⇒ Proof of Delivery and select Form as the desired POD type. Lastly, select the form you wish to use and Save your changes.

As with all other PODs, the form will apply to all newly imported Tasks. Older Tasks will not have this POD configuration unless they are re-imported.

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