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Learn how to create, use and store forms in eLogii!

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 2 months ago

The Custom Form Builder feature allows users to build forms from scratch and effectively store them in eLogii. It's possible to build multiple forms and use them as Start and End checklists for Drivers, or to add them as a Custom Proof of Delivery step for Pickup, Delivery (for Tasks and Items), and Failed Task actions.

The Form Builder, as well as all form submissions, can be found in the Forms section of eLogii.

Builder options

The Form Builder comes with a wide range of basic and advanced types of input to include in your forms.

Alongside the vast options to choose from, there are many ways to customize forms from making fields invisible, mandatory, or disabled, to specifying the width of the field and choosing the background and text color of each form segment. Specific rules for hiding/showing or disabling specific segments of the form can also be set up depending on the response outcome.

Basic components

The basic components are as follows:

  • Text input - The text input field allows users to input freeform text into the form. These fields are perfect for collecting short-form descriptive data, or when users need to provide a bit more context, or reasoning for their responses.

  • Number input - The number input field allows users to specify a number as a response to a question. These are usually used when a phone number needs to be documented, or when several specific items needs to be noted down in the form.

  • Email Input - The email input field allows users to capture emails. For example, if a worker is doing a post-service survey, they can request the customer to note down their email address.

  • Password - The password field can be used as a lock to specific questions and make them appear only after the correct password has been entered. The password you enter in the password field when designing the form is the one that the Drivers/Agents can enter to get access to specific questions/actions within the form.

  • Pattern recognition - The pattern recognition field allows users to write their regular expressions to help determine the validity of entered information. For example, if you're collecting email addresses and you want to ensure that the collected input matches the right format (e.g. the email address should contain the @ symbol, otherwise it's a bad input), you can write the regular expression in the dedicated filed of the form builder. We recommend using RegExr's website to help you write a regular expression.

  • Text area - The Text area field serves a purpose similar to the Text input field but with a key difference: while the text input field allows users to enter information in a single line, the text area offers more flexibility. It is better suited for longer entries, such as job reports or detailed lists. The text area allows users to input text across multiple lines, making it ideal for longer responses and helping to maintain clarity and organization.

  • Select - The Select field allows users to create a selection of options to choose from. Only one option can be chosen. This field is ideal for cases when your agents need to specify for example the type of service that was offered to the customer, or if any equipment requires maintenance or repair. In short, it can be a simple Yes/No selection, or they can select from a specific set of categories.

  • Multi-select - The Multi-select field is similar to the Select field, however, multiple options can be selected at once. This is perfect for cases where agents need to perform field analysis on their first visit to the customer to determine which repairs they need to make. They can select from a pre-made list to save time.

  • Radio group - This option allows users to set multiple visible values, from which one can be picked. It can be used as a Yes/No question type, or any other short-form question.

  • Checkbox group - This option allows multiple items to be selected within a form. It can be used for the same use cases as the Multi-select field, the only difference is how the information will be displayed within a form (in case a of Multi-select field, options are displayed when the field is tapped to show a list of options, while the Checkbox group filed shows them right away).

  • Switch - This field will create a switch in the form. It can be used in tandem with Form rules to show/hide specific elements of your form.

  • Rating - This adds an option to capture a rating within a form. If customers are required to fill out a form after your workers finish servicing them, and you want to capture how satisfied they were with a specific service, or the overall job that was done, this option allows you to do just that.

  • Slider - The slider allows users to select a value within a specific range. The range is defined on the right-hand side of the form builder, from the component section.

    The marks on the slider can be removed, and the numerical values are entirely up to how the user wants to define them.

  • Range Slider - The range slider lets users choose between different values to capture specific data. For example, if your workers are required to fill out a form after they complete a job, and they need to specify how long it took them to complete each aspect of the job, they can use the slider to indicate that (e.g. it took them 10-15 minutes to complete this part of the task).

    A default start and end range can be set, the exact minimum and maximum values can be defined, and marks can be hidden.

  • Date - The date field gives the option to select a specific date in the form. This field is ideal for cases when technicians are scheduling a checkup visit with the customer, so they can select an exact date for the next scheduled visit in the post-service form.

  • Date Range - This option is similar to the date field, except that it allows users to pick a range instead of one date.

  • Time - The time field enables users to specify a time for the next scheduled visit, what the estimated conclusion time for the visit is, and so on.

Specialized Components

The specialized components include:

  • Signature - The signature field functions similarly to the signature capture option in PODs. If this field is set up, a signature can be captured directly from the form.

  • File upload - When this is configured, users can upload files directly from their device. This means that if PDFs or files of any type need to be attached to the form, it can be done through this field.

  • Images/ Video upload - If this option is configured, users will be able to import photos and videos directly from their devices. In case technicians need to take a photo of the work they've done or make a recording and attach it to the form, they would be able to do it through this option.

Stylizing Components

The stylizing components help with styling the form to look exactly how you want it to look, and to visually separate different sections. The available options are:


  • Container block - This field adds a colored block to visually separate a portion of the form. It's possible to put any of the available filed types into the block to make them stand out and highlight their importance. The color of the container block can be changed.

  • Columns block - This field serves a similar purpose as the container field, but it separates the section of the form into two parts, making it possible to place two field types within the same row. The color of the column block can be changed.

Static content

Static content is not editable by users filling out the form. These fields are designed to visually separate sections, provide instructions, highlight key information, and enhance clarity.

  • Text block - Selecting this option will create a static text field that cannot be interacted with. This field is intended to be used to add more context, or to give instructions directly through the form.

  • Headings - Headings are larger text fields that can be added to the form. They are most commonly used to separate the form into meaningful sections. However, they can be used any way you wish. There are 3 heading sizes to choose from.

  • Link - The Link field is used to store and open any links of your choosing. Links can contain anything from assembly instruction PDFs to image/video links. The link needs to be pasted into the Link field, and it can be opened by clicking the Link field from the form.

  • Button - Functionally, the button field does the same thing as the Link field, the only difference is that the button provides more visual clarity. Any link can be attached to the button, and clicking it will open the linked content. The color of the button can be changed.

  • Image - Images can be incorporated into forms, but they cannot be interacted with. You can incorporate your company's logo or any other image you wish. The image resolution can be adjusted.

  • Divider - This adds a straight line that can be placed between two field types to separate them or to create a logical separation between different form sections.

  • HTML - It's also possible to insert any static field of your choice into the form via HTML. For example, if you wish to include your service pricing model in the form, you can create a table and populate the fields in the HTML editor.

From creation and stylization

Form stylization is done on the right-hand side of the designer. Here, the field background color can be changed, as well as the placeholder text and the field name (label) itself.

The width of the field can also be adjusted which influences how much of the section it will occupy. For example, if you set the width to 100%, it will occupy the whole section, but if you set it to 1/2, the field will occupy only 1/2 of the section.

Field options

  • Hidden - This option allows users to hide fields. If a field has been hidden by default, it can be shown if enabled by Field Rules.

  • Required - Enabling this option will make the field required, and the form cannot be submitted unless this field has been filled in.

  • Disabled - Disabling the field means that users can see the field, but they cannot interact with it. The field can be enabled via Field rules if specific conditions are met.

Field rules

You can control the visibility of certain fields based on users' responses. For example, if technicians report encountering an issue, you may want them to see a field asking for more details about the issue. But if no issue is reported, this field should remain hidden.

To set this up, you would create two fields:

  1. A select field called "Was there an issue?" with options for "Yes" and "No." This field is visible by default.

  2. A comment field called "Please describe the issue," which is hidden by default.

To make the "Please describe the issue" field visible only when "Yes" is selected in the "Was there an issue?" field, you can create a rule. The rule should check if "Yes" is chosen for the "Was there an issue?" field (trigger) and then set the "Please describe the issue" field to be visible (Visibility | Yes).

The field rules can impact all Field options, which not only means that you can hide/show specific questions based on responses, but you can also make some fields mandatory or disable/enable other fields. Yes indicates that the option is active, and No indicates that it is not active.

It's also possible to have multiple rule triggers. For example, if two responses need to contain specific values for another field to become visible, that can be configured, too. These rules follow the same trigger component relationship principle as in Task Rules.

Configuration options

Before setting your form live, you can preview and test it in different views - PC, Tablet, and Mobile. Users can switch from the Design section of the Form Designer to the Preview and switch between views.

Even though Form submissions are by default stored in eLogii, you can also configure the submissions to be sent to HTTP or a designated email address.

Once you're happy with your form, click Save, and your form is ready to be used.

Form details and History

In the Form detail section, any External ID/Reference related to the form can be specified alongside the description and tags. The form UID is auto-generated by eLogii and can be used in API communication and the ID/Reference fields.

The History section shows every change made to the form - both the exact timestamp, date, and which user made the change.

Form actions

The actions button has two options, the Copy option will copy the selected form, and the Delete option will delete the form.

Additionally, there are two shortcuts:

  • Open submissions - Pressing this button will take you to the submissions section and automatically filter all the submissions captured for the selected form.

  • Create a new submission - This option will prompt the form to appear, and a new submission can be created.

Forms in Start/End Checklists

Forms can be used as start/end checklists. To configure them, navigate to Configuration β‡’ Driver App β‡’ Checklist items where you can enable the Start and/or End checklist and select the form you wish to use.

Once this is enabled, depending on your settings, your Drivers will be able to use the selected form as either their end or start checklist item.

Forms as PODs

If your workers are required to fill out a form after completing a visit, you can set the form to appear right before they complete the Task as the last step.

To configure this, head to Configuration β‡’ Proof of Delivery and select Form as the desired POD type. Lastly, select the form you wish to use and Save your changes.

As with all other PODs, the form will apply to all newly imported Tasks. Older Tasks will not have this POD configuration unless they are re-imported.

Finding Form Submissions

Form submissions, regardless of whether they were submitted through the Driver app or eLogii dashboard, are stored in Forms β‡’ Form Submissions. Select the Date Range you wish to view submissions for and Apply the filter. All the submissions captured during the selected date range will be displayed.

If you have multiple forms and would like to see submissions for only one of them, select it from the Form field and Apply the filter.

The Details section shows the submission in a readable format with all the captured response, and this can be edited by Admin users.

The JSON section displays the form submission in JSON format.

The History section lists all the changes made to the form submission. In case the submission has been edited in any way, it will be shown here.

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