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Task Creation

How to manually create a task

eLogii avatar
Written by eLogii
Updated over 11 months ago

This article will show you how to create a Task using the Dashboard. You are also able to import multiple Tasks by CSV or API.

To manually create a Task: go to Tasks ⇒ Add a task.


  • Define a date (or a range of dates depending on your account configuration)

  • Define an origin (can be a depot, pre-saved customer location or any custom location)

  • Define a destination (can be a depot, pre-saved customer location or any custom location)

Click on Save when all the information has been added (or to add additional detail to the task, please read on below)

Further information can be added in the Details tab.

A mandatory field is size of order based on the dimension unit previously set up in Configuration. If not relevant you can skip inputting anything as by default it will be populated with a 0.

Additional fields include pickup and drop-off details, such as time-windows, reference, barcode, contact information and instructions for the Driver.

In case you have, for example, multiple packages within one order, you can add them as Task Items (feel free to skip this step in case this doesn't apply to you). items can be added in Items ⇒ Add items.

You could use items for example in the case of an order having multiple component parts.

Mandatory fields include description (name) and product code the driver can use to confirm the item has been handled.

You can set custom Proof of Delivery / Completion actions for each item.

Custom data (API) and item actions that can be mandatory or optional are also customizable. Custom data fields allow you to define fields of your own which are not standard system properties.

In the Advanced tab, you can set up further details and override system defaults on a task level. For example:

  • Overriding required driver skills

  • Service duration - both depot loading time and Delivery service time

    • Depending on your account configuration - Service duration can be set to be cumulative or applied task by task (for example if you have 10 items to drop to 1 location, you could apply 10 minutes aggregate service time to the entire drop vs. each task counting for service time individually)

  • Depending on account configuration - specifying the operational team in your organization which will look after the particular task in question (i.e. a regional team)

  • Depending on account configuration - being able to override pre-set issue options (what the driver is allowed to do in the event of a task failure and how the overall workflow is to look)

  • Priority - defining the task as particularly important vs. other meaning that it will hold constant for other factors be less likely to be unviable

  • POD - You can specify POD actions that are Task-specific. For example, one task does not require a Photo capture POD, so you can switch it off here.

Even if you forget to switch off or on a specific POD for a Task after you create it - don't worry as you are able to edit this in Tasks ⇒ Task profile ⇒ Actions (POD) ⇒ Edit

You can also skip Webhooks in the Advanced tab by selecting Skip Webhooks.

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