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Notifications - Email

Learn how to configure your email notifications

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 3 months ago

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Setting up email notifications for your location contacts (for example your recipients) can be done in Configuration ⇒ Email/SMS/ Push Notifications.

Customization for different location contacts is also available by selecting depot, pickup or delivery contacts.

Click Save once the notifications have been set up.

Keep in mind that notifications will be sent to any address entered into the Pickup or Delivery contact email fields of the Task. If the Task Pickup/Delivery location is a predefined Customer location, the contact email specified for that customer location will be prepopulated in the Task but can be overridden.

In general, all notifications are triggered based on Task state updates. This can be applied to SMS notifications as well.

When it comes to notification for Tasks that are Partially completed, eLogii recognizes them as Completed, therefore the notification triggered by the Task being set to a Completed state is sent. Your Drivers can also mark such Tasks as failed so that the failed notification is sent. Through filtering, you can review undelivered items and choose how to manage those Tasks further

Email Notification Customization

eLogii allows you to customize the email notifications your customers receive as much as you want. Alongside the text personalization options, you can also edit how the email looks by editing the HTML of the form. To learn more about SMS and Email template tags, check out this article.

You can find this in Configuration ⇒ Email/SMS/ Push Notifications ⇒ Preview and Edit Content.

Here, you can edit the Heading, Contents, and Bottom contents. If you tick the box next to Include QR code (to be scanned through 'Identity code' task action), you can also include the QR code.

If you switch from the Form tab to the HTML tab, you can completely change the look of the email notification. This means that you can attach any additional elements to the email, such as images, videos, or anything else that would visually enhance your emails. This doesn't limit you to only adjusting the aesthetics of the email since you can incorporate any additional functionalities through the HTML code editor. For example, if you would like to track the number of clicks for the package tracking link, you can incorporate any click tracker in the HTML code.

You can preview the changes you make on the right-hand side of the screen by switching between Desktop Preview and Mobile Preview to see how the email would look on PC and on Mobile.

By clicking the Revert to default button all the changes will be reverted to the original setup.

Notifications on a Task level

Alternatively, notifications can also be set on task level, which will override the ones set in Configuration.

This can be done in Tasks ⇒ Task Profile ⇒ Notifications.

Click Save once the notifications have been customized.

Notifications on a Customer level

In addition, notifications can also be set on a Customer level which will override the organization-level notifications and apply to the specific Customer.

This can be done in Customers ⇒ Customer Profile ⇒ Task defaults ⇒ Notifications.

Click Save to apply changes,

Please note the new settings are not applied retroactively. This means that all the Tasks created prior to setting up email notifications will not have them, but the new Tasks created afterward should have the proper email notification set up.

Email Notification Display

The email notification that your Customers receive should look something like this:

Please note that if customers reply to this email they will receive the "Address not found" response. This is why we recommend configuring your Customer support email in Configuration ⇒ Customer-facing information. The email address you put under the Customer support email will be picked up by eLogii and added to your email notification message just like in the photo above.

In addition to all this, you can utilize Task rules to set up specific conditions that would trigger the selected notifications.

Notification hierarchy

As there are different levels of notifications that override each other, there is a hierarchy that goes as follows (from most specific to least specific)

Task-level notifications > Customer-level notifications > Organization-level notification

Task-level notifications are the most specific, and therefore they will always override Customer-level notifications and Organization-level notifications. Customer-level notifications only override Organization-level notifications.

For example, if you have the "Task pickup completed" notification enabled for a Customer, but it has been disabled on the Task for that Customer, they will not receive the notification because the conditions have been overridden.

See also:

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