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Assignment and Task States

Learn about the different task and assignment states

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 3 months ago

There are two different assignment states which are:

  • Assigned - means a Task has been allocated to a Driver to complete

  • Unassigned - means the Task hasn't been allocated to a Driver for completion

Depending on whether or not a task has been assigned the driver that it was allocated to will be shown at the bottom right-hand side of the task card:

The Tasks can be assigned automatically upon optimization or manually by selecting the task in question and clicking Assign. This will trigger a pop-up window where you can select the appropriate driver.

Assigning Tasks when importing a CSV file of them is also possible. You can do this by populating the driver-UID column with the Driver UIDs generated by eLogii (which you can export).

If an assigned Task needs to be deleted, please make sure to first Unassign it and Delete it only afterward, as an assigned task cannot be deleted.

Task states

Tasks have eleven different states which you can manually update by selecting the task in question and expanding the Update task state view. The states are as follows:

  • Failed - The Driver was unable to deliver the Task to the end customer, and the Task has therefore not been completed. eLogii registers Tasks as failed if they are marked as failed in the Driver app.

  • Pickup failed - The Driver was unable to pick up the Task from the pickup location. Marked as failed in the Driver app in the pickup stage. An example use case would be if your Driver arrived at a goods distributor to pick up an order your customer placed, however, their package got lost and the distributor does not have it. Since there is no package to be picked up, the Driver would mark that pickup as failed and the Task's lifecycle would end there.

  • Created - An initial Task lifecycle state, but not connected to the assignment state - it can also be assigned, just not started. In other words, all Tasks prior to being started are assigned this state by default.

  • En route to Pickup -Task is assigned to a Driver and that Driver is on their way to the Task pickup location. Essentially, your Driver has departed from their starting location and is on their way to pick up the package from the goods distributor's location.

  • Arrived to pickup - Driver arrived to Task pickup location i.e. the Driver arrived at the goods distributor's location and is picking up the customer's package.

  • Completed pickup - Driver has successfully picked up the Task and marks Pickup completed in the Driver App. The Task on this status is when, for example, the Driver is able to take over the package from the distributor of the goods and will be

  • En route - The Driver has successfully picked up the Task from the pickup location and is on their way to the Task delivery location. In other words, the Task is being prepared for execution,

  • Completed - Task successfully delivered to end user. This status is triggered when the Driver marks the delivery as Completed in the Driver app.

  • Canceled - Essentially not handled, and not included in optimization, but used to keep a record of it in the Route. If an assigned Task has a state change to canceled, even though it exists on the Driver's route, it will be skipped in the Driver app and the Driver will jump to another viable Task. The most common use case is keeping a record that we had that Task planned. If assigned Tasks are canceled and then reoptimized, they will appear under the Unassigned section of the Planning screen, while still keeping their Cancelled status. assigned and not actioned yet - if left as is they will be in Routes. These Tasks will still be in the app, but they will be automatically skipped because Cancelled Tasks cannot be actioned.

  • Sorted and Loaded- These are essentially warehouse-related states between Created and Pickup. The most common use case is when an order needs additional confirmation by any involved party. or in case of storage confirmation requirements, or if it's prepared for load in storage or Vehicle.

Please note that it is possible to assign a task in a Completed state from one Driver to another, but only if that Driver is included in the optimization.

In case you have the Single-segment optimization mode enabled, all Pickup-related statuses will be skipped and regarded as completed.

If you se "Pending" as your Task state this means that the Task under Pending is yet to be performed for that day (hasn't been started yet/is not in progress). As soon as the previous Task is completed the Pending task's state will change if it's next in order on the Route and the Driver is working on completing it.

You can also perform different Task Actions for multiple Tasks simultaneously. To do this Go to Tasks ⇒ Enable Selection mode ⇒ Select desired Tasks ⇒ Task Actions

You can perform actions for selected Tasks such as:

  • Change Task state for multiple Tasks - change the current state of the selected Tasks. For example, if your Driver wasn't able to change the Task state to Completed, you can set the state from En route to Completed.

  • Send Scheduled notifications - Send a "Task Scheduled" SMS or email notification to customers.

  • Change Pickup Locations - Change the pickup location to either one of the Depots or a custom location.

  • Lock - Lock the Tasks and prevent the Task from being assigned to another Driver.

  • Assign to a Team - Assign Tasks to a designated Team. Those Tasks will be visible and executable only by the assigned Team.

and many more.

💡Pro tip - Automatic Scheduled notifications upon Task Pickup

In case you wish to send notifications to your Customers that their orders are ready, you can do that by following this tip. Once Routes are optimized it is possible to send scheduled Scheduled notifications via email to your customers. In addition to this, it's also possible to send scheduled notifications manually once Pickup has been completed.

This can be activated in Configuration ⇒ Email/SMS/Push notifications ⇒ under Task Scheduled.

After enabling this and setting up the message you want to send to your customers, head over to Tasks ⇒ Select the Tasks you want to send scheduled notifications for ⇒ Actions ⇒ Send scheduled notifications.

Please keep in mind that currently, this option is only available on a Global level (i.e. in Configuration settings), and it cannot be set as a Task default for specific Customers.

Failed Task with Task Pickup Completed state and POD actions behavior
Moving any Task to another date will automatically reset the Task state to the Created state. This reset from Failed to Created state doesn’t clear the already submitted pickup POD actions, so the Driver isn’t required to resubmit them, allowing them to finish Tasks immediately if the Task is among a batch of Tasks scheduled for the same day.

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