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Task and Driver actions

Learn how to use advanced shortcuts on the Planning screen

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 2 months ago

Task actions

Further Task actions on the Planning screen can be accessed by right-clicking on the Task card on the left-hand side of the screen, or by right-clicking any Task in the Driver's Route on the right-hand side of the screen. There are several available shortcuts which include:

  • Task Details - Navigates you to the Task details in the Task section.

  • Assign / Unassign task - Lets you manually assign or unassign a Task.

  • Lock / Unlock - This action locks the Task in the Route. In case you reoptimize Routes, the locked Task will not be moved across Drivers and Routes.

  • Move Tasks to another date​ - This action will prompt a pop-up that allows you to set a new execution date for the Task. You can define a date range in case your Tasks should span over a specific number of days, or define a single date for your start and date in case Tasks are meant to be executed within a single day. You can also keep the original assigned Drivers when moving the Tasks by checking the box next to Keep tasks assigned to their current drivers.

  • Manage Tags - Lets you change tags for the selected Task.

  • Assign to a Team - Delegates selected Tasks (or a single Task) to a designated Team of Drivers.

  • Delete - Allows you to delete a Task or selected Tasks. This action can be done only for Unassigned Tasks. All Assigned Tasks need to be unassigned first, and only then can they be deleted.

  • Cancel - Sets Task state as Cancelled. If an assigned Task has a state change to canceled, even though it exists on the Driver's route, it will be skipped in the Driver app and the Driver will jump to another viable Task. (for more information on Task states, refer to this article).

In case you quickly need to set a specific Task in a Driver's Route to be the next one they complete in case of unexpected changes on the field (and in case your Drivers are not allowed to start executing Tasks in any order), you can set that Task to be next for execution. To do this, right-click the Task in question and select Make Task next.

If your Driver starts a Task out of order (if the feature is enabled) the same logic will apply - the Task in question will become the 'current' Task.

Actions for Selected Tasks

It's also possible to perform various actions for multiple Tasks at once. Select the Tasks you wish to perform a specific action for, then click the Actions button and select any of the actions from the context menu.

Alongside the single-Task actions, you can also::

  • Edit Task - It's possible to edit some of the available Task properties in bulk when selecting this option. You can change the data such as Internal note, Order Value, and Priority, attach to a particular Customer, and edit the Pickup/Delivery time window and instructions. Additionally, you can also attribute specific skills and capabilities to the selected Tasks, and even define custom data fields for them.

  • Resolve - This action is most commonly used for managing unviable Tasks. This action allows users to either extend the time windows of the selected Tasks or to completely remove them.

  • Clear unviable state - This action will clear the unviable Task state and move the Tasks into the Unassigned section.

  • Create reverse Tasks - This option will create a Task with reversed pickup and delivery locations. A pop-up will appear asking you to define a date for the reverse Task. The data from the original Task will be copied to the new reversed Task.

  • Change Task state - This option lets you change the Task state of the selected Tasks.

  • Change pickup location -This allows you to change the pickup location of the selected Tasks. to something else.

  • Update execution order - This option lets you define the execution order in the route a Task should have.

Driver actions

Further Driver actions on the Planning screen can be accessed by right-clicking on the Driver card or by clicking the three lines at the upper right-hand side of the driver card. There are several available shortcuts which include:

  • Driver Telemetry - Displays data such as the date and time of the last location update, device, and so on.

  • Driver Details - Redirects you to the Driver Profile section.

  • Lock / Unlock Route - Allows you to lock or unlock the Driver's route.

  • Clear Route - Unassignes all Tasks from the designated Driver's Route. Tasks will appear as Unassigned.

  • Reoptimize Route - This allows you to reoptimize a particular Driver's Route.

  • Exclude from optimization - The selected Driver will not be taken into account when running an optimization. This action is permanent and it will transfer to multiple days and the Driver will be excluded until you re-include them again.

  • Recurring Route - This action will create a Recurring Route from the selected Driver's Route.

  • Custom Data - Allows you to create custom data for Routes.

  • Assign to Team - This lets you assign a particular Driver to a Team of your choice.

  • Filter Tasks by Driver Custom Data- Filter Tasks based on the set-up Driver Custom Data.

  • Call Driver - Allows you to call the Driver directly.

  • Edit Schedule- You can quickly edit the selected Driver's schedule for a particular day.

  • Add Schedule exception - Allows you to quickly add a schedule exception/override schedule settings for a particular day, or date range.

  • Set as Unavailable - This essentially blocks the Driver from being assigned Tasks for a specific day. It works similarly to the Exclude from optimization, except that it's not a permanent action and it will be applied to only one day. In essence, this action will just add a Day-off schedule exception for that day, disabling the Driver from being included in the optimization. If you want to re-include the Driver, you must remove the exception by navigating to the Driver's profile ⇒ Schedule ⇒ Exceptions, and delete the added schedule exception.

  • Set visible/Set invisible to Drivers - These options allow you to control whether routes are visible to Drivers in the Driver app. If you prefer Drivers not to see their routes before their shift begins, you can hide the routes after planning them and reveal them right before the shift starts. You can choose to hide routes for specific Drivers or for all Drivers at once.

  • Remove Driver/Vehicle Constraints - This action temporarily removes all Vehicle and Driver constraints (schedule, capacity, skills, capabilities, etc.). You can also reverse the action by selecting the Restore Driver/Vehicle constraint option.

In case you quickly need to set a specific Task in a Driver's Route to be the next one they complete in case of unexpected changes on the field (and in case your Drivers are not allowed to start executing Tasks in any order), you can set that Task to be next for execution. To do this, right-click the Task in question and select Make Task next.

If your Driver starts a Task out of order (if the feature is enabled) the same logic will apply - the Task in question will become the 'current' Task.

Task handover

In eLogii, you can assign Tasks that one Driver is currently executing to another. Essentially, you can decide on a chosen location where Tasks are handed over and added to the other Driver's Route.

To perform this action, enter Task selection mode, select the Tasks you wish to assign to hand over to another Driver and select the pickup location. Once you confirm the action, those Tasks will be assigned to the selected Driver.

This feature allows the handling of scenarios where Tasks assigned to one Driver, currently executing their Route, need to be handed over to another Driver. Selected Tasks will be updated so that:

  • Their pickup location is updated to the selected location - (the selected location could be the new assignee Driver's last known location, Depot, or Custom location).

  • Reassigned to the new Driver and added to their Route.

A couple of things to note:

  • By default, Routes are reoptimized on any manual update, and Task handover will trigger auto-optimization. However, if some Tasks are locked beforehand, they will not be affected by the auto-optimization and will remain in their set place in the Driver's Route. The Handover Task will be added to the route via auto-optimization without affecting the locked Tasks.

  • In case you have the Do not automatically optimize Route on update feature enabled (found in Configuration ⇒ Optimization ⇒ Additional options), if you perform the Task handover action, the Task will be displayed in the Task list, however, they will be at the bottom of the list and they will not have any ETA information. In addition, they will also appear off the Route, and Handover Tasks will remain in that state unless the Route is reoptimized manually (which will place them in the Driver's Route accordingly). The Driver will still be able to see the Task in the Driver app even though it's outside of their Route, and the Task will be at the bottom of the list.

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