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Vehicle Capabilities

Setting up vehicle capabilities

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 10 months ago

Vehicle Capabilities enable you to make sure certain Tasks requiring certain Vehicle attributes are only optimized to the relevant vehicles.

You could use Vehicle Capabilities to ensure that Tasks requiring lifting equipment only get assigned to Vehicles with that equipment on board. For example, some Vehicles are refrigerated, and others are not. This is an important piece of information when optimizing. To avoid having Tasks with packages that need to be refrigerated, assigned to Vehicles that don't have refrigerated storage, you can create a Vehicle capability called "refrigerated".

Adding Vehicle Capabilities

When optimizing, your Tasks with specific requirements will be matched accordingly with the Vehicles. The same logic and principle applies with Driver Skills.

Setting up Vehicle capabilities can be done in Configuration ⇒ Vehicle Capabilities. Note down the capability name and press enter to confirm and add it to the capability list.

Once you've added all the capabilities. click Save to confirm your settings.

Assigning Capabilities to Vehicles.

Adding a capability to a Vehicle can be done manually in Vehicles ⇒ Vehicle Profile ⇒ Capabilities.

Click Save once all the capabilities have been assigned.

Or via CSV import or Update, under the column name capabilities. Multiple capabilities can be added for a single Vehicle, and they need to be separated by a comma. Additionally, the imported values must be identical to the values in eLogii (this includes any letter capitalization, spaces, numbers, special characters and so on).

Adding Capabilities to Tasks

Capabilities can be added manually upon Task creation, or when editing an unassigned Task in Tasks ⇒ Add a Task ⇒ Advanced.

Assigning capabilities to existing unassigned Tasks is done in Tasks ⇒ Selected Task ⇒ Requirements.

If you import Tasks via CSV, add an additional column titled capabilities, and list all the required capabilities for a Task to be executed. Please keep in mind that the same principle applies here - the names of the listed capabilities in the CSV file should be identical to their counterparts in eLogii. otherwise the system will not be able to differentiate between any variants and will consider them as completely new capabilities.

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