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Vehicle Imports

How to bulk-import your vehicles

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 10 months ago

Bulk-uploading Vehicles can be done in the Vehicles โ‡’ Import.

There is the option of choosing between uploading a CSV file that has already been created or downloading the template, filling it out and importing it back to the dashboard.

Data formatting

When the template is downloaded, there are a few mandatory columns that need to be filled out so that the import is successful. These columns are the following:

  • Vehicle name (under the column "name" in the CSV file)

  • Capacity unit or any other dimension set in Configuration (under the column DefaultSizeUnit if nothing is set in Configuration, or the chosen capacity unit name set in Configuration).

Here is an example of a well-formatted Vehicle sheet.

The remaining columns are optional and do not need to be filled out for eLogii to be able to process the data.

๐Ÿ’กPro tip - Adding multiple capacity values and assigning multiple Teams to one Vehicle

In case a Vehicle has multiple capabilities assigned to it, you can add them by listing them one by one in the same cell, while separating them with a comma. For example, you would populate the capability cell for the desired Vehicle with fast, commercial, refrigeration, if you want the Vehicle to have this set of capabilities.

The logic is the same for assigning a Vehicle to multiple Teams, as you would need to separate team names with a comma. For example, the cell will be populated with the following format: Team 1, Team 2, Team 3.

Both the Team names and the capability names in the file need to match the actual names of those elements in eLogii, otherwise it will not be possible to import them.

Column names can either be mapped, so that eLogii knows what the names in the file refer to, or you can use eLogii's native element names which you can obtain either by exporting Vehicles, or by checking in our API documentation.

Uploading the CSV file to eLogii

Once the spreadsheet has been updated with the required data, click Select CSV file.

A preview of the file will be shown along with any possible errors it has. You can switch between seeing the errors only or downloading a file with the errors.

eLogii will automatically detect and inform you which data set cannot be imported in its current state and it will mark rows and columns which need to be fixed. In the example photo, the repeating error is that the data sets do not match any of the allowed types which could indicate that there was a typo when entering data, or that the data items we want to import (such as capabilities and assigned teams) do not exist in eLogii and might need to be added prior to importing.

Once all the errors are fixed, you can re-import the file. Alternatively, you can also skip errors and import everything that's been processed by clicking the Skip errors and continue button.

Assigning Vehicles to Drivers

This is done either during the Driver CSV import or by assigning the Vehicle to the appropriate Driver manually.

It is highly recommended that you import your Vehicles first, and then your Drivers, because in most cases you would want eLogii to generate UIDs (unique identifiers), which you can later use to match the Driver to their Vehicle via CSV import. You can follow an in-depth guide on how to perform Driver import and learn how to assign Vehicles via CSV here.

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