The analytics feature gives you an in-depth insight into how your operations look based on current and historical data in the system.
There are two types of analytics:
Real-time Analytics
Real-time analytics display data only for the current day and everything is updated live as Drivers are completing Tasks.
Task graph
It contains basic information relating to today's Tasks. The total number of Tasks is displayed here, as well as the % of Tasks in their Finalized state (Completed and Failed).
Hovering your pointer over any charts will show you an exact number of Tasks based on their current status.
Clicking the arrow next to Unviable and Unassigned will redirect you to the planning screen to handle anything that has not been addressed.
Basic metrics of Tasks:
Success - Groups and displays the number of Tasks in their finite states (Completed or Failed).
Execution - Displays a number of Tasks based on Task status - Pending, In progress, Completed, and Failed. A detailed view of this can be found in the table under the chart.
Planning - shows a breakdown of Tasks that have been Unassigned.
You are also able to see the number of Unviable and Unassigned Tasks for today.
Route graph
This section contains basic information regarding today's Routes.
Basic metrics for Routes:
Route count - this is the number of the Routes for the current day
Capacity and Schedule utilization - shows average capacity and schedule utilization percentage across current-day Routes.
Actionable items - displays any items that go over the predetermined capacity and schedule setup. If any of your Drivers or Vehicles are over their capacity, it will be shown here.
Route distance and duration - the total and median route distance and duration for the current day.
Driver and Accuracy graph
The Driver graph contains all relevant information regarding Drivers for the current day.
Basic metrics for Drivers:
Status chart - Shows all active, inactive, and unavailable Drivers for the current day. The exact numbers are displayed under the chart. Please note that the number of colored squares on the graph does not equate to the number of drivers with a specific status. Active Drivers are displayed in blue, inactive in yellow, and unavailable in red.
Overtime - Driver overtime broken down into total, median, and average
Vehicle types - lists all the vehicle types used on that day
Lateness chart:
Breakdown - Shows % of late Tasks for Today, as well as Average and Maximum lateness.
Travel time - Displays average and median travel time for today.
Data accuracy shows you the percentage of Tasks that are late, as well as the exact number of those tasks. Average and Median lateness are also displayed, as well as the Travel time broken down into Average and Median.
Historical data Analytics
Historical data analytics shows a comprehensive analysis of past data. You can compare and contrast various types of data based on these segments:
It should be noted that all historical data can be exported on your computer by clicking the Export Data button.
When looking at specific information under each of the segments, you are able to select a time frame from the list, or a custom time frame by selecting and dragging the cursor over a specific date range.
Data can be filtered by a specific Team. Driver or Customer, and can be grouped by Date, Weekday, Week, Month, or Driver. These filters and date picker options are identical across all Historical Data Analytics segments.
It’s also possible to break down data even further by sorting it even more based on this selection of options,
Historical Analytics Data Processing
Data gets processed at the end of each day, accounting for the organization time zone (which can be set up in Configuration ⇒ Organization profile). Tasks are processed on a particular day in their final state and shown in the analytics for that day, regardless of their scheduled or planned date. (Possible final Task states are: Completed, Failed, Pickup failed, and Cancelled).
This means that any changes made to Routes and Tasks after the data has been processed, those changes will not be reflected in the Analytics, as old processed data will be kept and it will not be overridden.
Single-day Route Data Processing
At the end of each day, all Routes for that day are processed regardless of the Task’s state. Because of this, a Route with none of the Tasks finished will still be processed.
Multiday Route Data Processing
At the end of each day, all Multiday Routes that start on that day are processed. This means that, for example, a Route that starts on Monday and ends on Wednesday will be shown in analytics only on Monday (Route duration will be 3 days).
This segment shows all the tasks based on their status. They can be grouped by Date, Weekday, Week, Month or Driver and you can This is useful when you want to compare your team’s or drivers’ overall performance on a task level. Simply select the desired drivers in the filter and click the Show graph button and you will be able to get the information on said drivers’ performance.
Failed reasons
This is where all the failed task reasons are displayed. You may filter them by a specific date range, Driver, Team or Customer, and even group the data by any of the provided options to have full control over the data you wish to see.
All the failed reasons will be displayed on the right-hand side of the graph and you may choose to exclude or include any of them by switching them off or on.
Partially completed
Here you can view all your partially completed tasks and filter through them by selecting a specific date range and filtering through them by Driver, Task, or Customer.
On time vs late
This is where you can compare and contrast all the tasks based on if they were late or on time.
Here you can view the overall Task lateness and many minutes Tasks were finished after the time window had passed.
It’s also possible to exclude certain lateness data by defining the minimum and maximum lateness you want displayed. For example, if you wish to display data with a lateness between 10 - 30 minutes, anything that does not fit into that time frame will be excluded from the graph.
The way how this works is that eLogii will record the time at which the Task has been completed, and use that data to compare it to the defined time windows for that Task.
Service durations
This segment gives you an overview of how much time your drivers are taking at their location.
Much like discussed in the Lateness segment, you can specify the minimum and maximum service duration you want displayed on the graph and therefore exclude any outliers
💡 Pro tip - Showing how much time the Driver spent on a location
This is something that can be viewed in Analytics once a task has been completed. The service duration segment of analytics shows exactly the actual time the Driver spent between arrival and completion of the Task.
Route durations
This segment shows all historical route durations which you can break down further by utilizing different Filtering and grouping options.
It’s also possible to specify the minimum and maximum route durations you want to analyze.
Route distances
This is where you can compare and analyze data on route distances over a specific period of time, By specifying the minimum and maximum route distance (displayed in kilometers or miles, based on the unit distance set up in Configuration .-> Organization profile -> Unit of distance) you can cut off any unwanted data from the graph
Vehicle utilization
This section covers your vehicle utilization. Additionally, you can process the data further by specifying the minimum and maximum % of vehicle utilization to get the desired data displayed on the graph.
Vehicle utilization refers to the maximum vehicle utilization at some point during the Route. If there are multiple dimensions for the vehicle (e.g., volume and weight), and the maximum for volume utilization was 70%, and for weight 80%, the higher value will be shown.
Route total cost
Route total cost will display relevant cost information over a selected period of time.
You can choose the subgroups you want to display on the graph - they can either display the maximum, minimum, average, total, and median values, or Drivers, or Teams.
The information can be filtered by Date, Driver, Weekday, Month, or Week and you can set a minimum and maximum threshold for cost values that you wish to display.
Schedule utilization
The Schedule Utilization section displays the percentage of schedule usage for a set period of time. This option is particularly useful if you wish to generate reports on how busy your Drivers were and decide if jobs have been distributed evenly, or if some adjustments need to be made in future Task delegation.
Task processing time
The Task processing time section displays the days between when Tasks are created and when they're scheduled for/ when their completion date is.
Route order value
Displays the planned route distance expressed in either kilometers or miles (depending on your system configuration).
Route / Size Unit
These graphs will display the min/max/avg/total/median number of Size Units per selected parameter (Date, Driver, Week, Weekday) over a selected period of time.