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General FAQs

Welcome to the FAQ section. Here are the most commonly asked questions.

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 8 months ago
  1. How do I get started?

    To get started check out our Getting started guide, or contact our Business Development reps who will be happy to assist you.

  2. Can I integrate eLogii with my system?

    Most likely yes! Our API documentation allows you to integrate eLogii with almost any external system you use.

  3. Which DriverApp mapping providers does eLogii use?

    Currently, we use Yandex, HERE Maps, Waze, and Google Maps.

  4. Which Geocoding and Address lookup providers does eLogii use?

    For Geocoding we use HERE Maps, Google Maps, Mapbox, and Ideal-Postcodes. For Address lookup, we use HERE Maps and Google Maps.

  5. If we want to switch to Google Maps as our Geocoding provider, will there be any additional cost?

    Yes, there will be additional costs. Using this provider will incur an additional charge per selected address ($0.0028), as per Google's pricing page.

  6. Does eLogii automatically optimize the Route for each newly added Task?

    Yes! eLogii's auto-optimization does this, so you don't need to reoptimize manually. Of course, it's also possible to disable the auto-optimization option.

  7. Does eLogii support cash on delivery?

    Yes, we support cash on delivery.

  8. What are Zones and how do they work?

    Zones allow creating separate areas in your delivery zones and assigning them to your Teams, which consequently allows you to configure specific Drivers to deliver to specific areas. If you want to apply zones in Optimization you should enable 'Apply zone rules automatically'. You can draw zones, or import them via GeoJSON. You can learn more about Zones here.

  9. Why aren't the changes in Configuration applied to my old Tasks?

    This is because the changes made in the Configuration section are not applied retroactively, but from that point onwards. If you enable photo capture POD, for example, now, it will be applied for all the Tasks made after this configuration has been set up.

  10. Why isn't the Driver App sending updates to eLogii?

    This can happen due to connectivity issues with particular Drivers / mobile devices, where the app does not get to send the data updates quickly enough before it's cut off by the operating system being in the background. For such cases, we've enabled the manual sync buttons, where the Driver can manually initiate the data sync and wait for it to complete.

  11. Why does my Driver have the label ''Unconstrained''?

    This means that their system ignores constraints such as Driver Schedules, Vehicle Capacity, and so on, to be able to fit the Task into the Route. This happens when manually assigning Tasks to existing Routes, and for the system to be able to do this it needs to remove constraints that would otherwise make fitting those Tasks impossible. You can read more about how constraints work here.

  12. Why are my Tasks Unviable?

    There can be many reasons why your Tasks are unviable. It could be due to passed Task time windows, no available Drivers with adequate skills to perform the Task, Task dimensions would over-capacitate the Vehicle, and more.

  13. What if I add breaks for Drivers after I optimize their routes?

    In this case, the breaks won't be added to the Drivers' route. You can reoptimize either the Route or run general re-optimization for them to be taken into account. The newly added breaks will appear in future Route Optimizations.

  14. Does the DriverApp allow Drivers to scan any item out of order and then auto-mark this item as ''Done"?

    Yes, this is possible! First, enable the ''Enable scanning items out of order" option, and to complete as Done use the option "Automatically complete Task/Item on successful barcode scan (if only required action)" and you're good to go. :)

  15. Why can't Drivers fail Tasks? They can only report a Problem to a Task, but it still marks it as Complete, even though the Task wasn't executed.

    This is because the option to enable the Driver to fail the Task/ Item needs to be enabled in Configuration. Once enabled, the driver will have a "Fail" button visible and be able to fail a Task/ Item.

  16. Does eLogii account for Driver reloads?

    Yes! Returning for a Depot reload (2nd run) is something that is supported automatically in eLogii - if there is not enough capacity in the vehicle to fit everything, but there is enough time in the Driver schedules, Vehicles are routed back to a Depot for additional pickups to deliver.

  17. Why is our Task loading order not logical and not how we planned it?

    Most likely the option to allow Drivers to complete Tasks out of order is enabled, and also in Configuration the option to "Sort route to reconcile out-of-order execution". Because of that, you can see Tasks in that order.

  18. How does the Analytics feature process data?

    Tasks are processed at the end of each day, which means that their final states are processed and displayed in the Analytics as Completed, Failed, Pickup Failed and Canceled.

  19. Why is the Analytics displaying fewer Tasks for one day than originally planned?

    There may be several reasons for this such as Tasks final states being changed to something else from Completed, Failed, Pickup Failed, and Canceled, or some tasks might have been moved to the next day. In other words, it all depends on the Task's final state at the end of the day when the analytics processes data.

  20. Why are some of our Drivers unable to log into the app?
    The most common reason for this is that Tasks on the Drivers' routes don't have set coordinates. If the coordinates are sometimes sent through the API after the Task has been created - it could be that they haven't been added in this case, or in other words - the coordinates didn't come later for those Tasks from your API like normally, and before they were assigned.

  21. If I delete a Vehicle, does the historical data remain in the system?

    Historical data on Tasks such as assignee and Vehicle details remain whether the Vehicle or Driver is deleted, while other information such as which Drivers used the Vehicle, when, etc. is cleared. Analytics also stores Driver/ Vehicle historical data.

  22. What happens if I reoptimize everything, but some Tasks have a Pickup completed status?

    Such Tasks will not be taken into account when reoptimizing, and the route containing these Tasks doesn't need to be locked. as Tasks with a Pickup completed, Failed, and Completed states will not be taken into account for optimization.

  23. Can I add multiple email addresses for my delivery contacts?

    Yes! This applies to all pickup and delivery contacts, as well as Customer-related location information. When importing the emails, simply separate them by a comma in your CSV file, or if you're adding emails manually, add a comma between two emails. If you have specific email notifications you would like to send to these contacts, they will both receive the notifications to their respective email addresses.

For more information, make sure to check out our other articles. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Customer Support at

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