The Route Optimization feature is used to impose various limitations to Driver routing to help users adjust eLogii to fit their business needs. These adjustments can be made in Driver ⇒ (Select a driver) ⇒ Profile.
These limitations include the following:
All these features work on both Optimization Engines.
Overtime tolerance
This feature allows users to specify how many minutes of overtime a Driver can handle. The optimization will take into account the set schedule first and foremost, and then it will look to include additional Tasks if the overtime tolerance allows for it. Essentially, this feature serves as an extension to the Driver's schedule. When set from the Driver's profile, it will be applied only for that specific Driver, but when set from Configuration ⇒ Optimization, it will be applied to all Drivers in your workspace.
Setting up on a Driver level:
This feature works very well in workflows that need to support same-day deliveries and delivery rescheduling.
Route stop limit
Route stop limit allows you to limit how many stops your Driver can make on their Route. This does not include their start and end location and applies to the number of Tasks they can be assigned daily (this includes Pickups + Deliveries). This means that if you set a maximum of 10 stops for their Route, this will mean that they can have 5 Pickups + 5 Deliveries. In case you have the Single-segment optimization mode enabled, this number will count only toward the Delivery number because Pickups do not exist as a part of this mode.
When assigning Tasks, the system will take this constraint into account and assign no more than the specified number of Pickups and Deliveries for the Driver. When set up from the Driver's profile, it will be applied to that specific Driver, but when set from Configuration ⇒ Optimization, the route stop limit will be applied to all Drivers in your workspace.
Setting up on a Driver level:
Travel time limit
This refers to the time it takes the Driver to get from one pickup/delivery destination to another. If you would like to have the same maximum travel limit between locations for all Drivers, you can set that up in Configuration ⇒ Optimization.
Setting up on a Driver level:
Route duration limit
The route duration limit allows users to limit the time duration of the route. The duration is specified in minutes, and the system will take into account the specified amount when delegating Tasks and calculating route durations. The Driver's route will not exceed the specified time limit.
Route distance limit
This feature allows users to set the total Route length.
Depending on your configuration, the values need to be added in miles if you use miles as your main distance unit or in kilometers if your preferred distance unit is kilometers. Once this value is specified, after optimizing, the Driver will have a Route that does not exceed the specified distance limit.
Speed Factor
The Driver Speed Factor is a setting that adjusts the estimated travel time between locations for a specific Driver. This option provides additional control over the travel time predictions, allowing adjustments based on individual Driver characteristics, Vehicle types, or other relevant factors. Speed factors can be used when a Driver is slower or faster than the average. It allows you to more closely mirror ETAs provided by eLogii to operational reality.
The way the Speed Factor works is that the system first retrieves an estimated travel time from the routing provider. This estimate considers the selected Vehicle profile and, if enabled, real-time traffic conditions.
For example, the routing provider estimates a travel time of 10 minutes between two locations.
If a Speed Factor is configured, it is applied to the estimated time. A Speed Factor less than 1 increases the travel time, while a Speed Factor greater than 1 reduces it.
For example, if the Speed Factor is 0.8, the planned travel time increases by 20%, resulting in a final estimate of 12 minutes instead of 10.
Why Use the Driver Speed Factor?
The Speed Factor allows fine-tuned adjustments to travel time at an individual driver level, unlike the ETA Scaling Factor, which applies a global adjustment to all estimates. This can be useful in cases such as:
Accounting for a Driver's experience or driving habits.
Adjusting for specific Vehicle characteristics.
Enhancing accuracy for deliveries or service appointments.
By using the Driver Speed Factor, you can optimize travel time planning and improve the accuracy of expected arrival times.