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Configuring Distance Unit and Currency
Configuring Distance Unit and Currency

How to set up your metric system and currency

eLogii avatar
Written by eLogii
Updated over a year ago

Distance unit and Currency can be adjusted in the Configuration tab.

  1. Go to Configuration

  2. Next go to the Organization Profile section

  3. Click Edit

  4. Enter Distance and Currency values

  5. Click Save

Distance unit can be adjusted and set to either Kilometers or Miles. Depending on which one you chose, the unit will be applied throughout the entirety of your workspace, and you can choose only one distance unit. Once you specify the desired metric it will not only be applied to the Route length values, but also for specifying Route length on a Driver level, the values will be in the specified metric from Configuration.

Currency can be updated by simply entering your desired currency symbol in the text box. As is the case with the Distance unit, only one value can be used.

Click Save in the top right corner once you have completed your changes.

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