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Customer Dashboard

Creating an account for your B2B customer to access their dedicated portal (scheduling / tracking)

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Written by eLogii
Updated over a month ago

To enable the Customer Dashboard, please ensure the Customers tab is enabled and you've already created a customer entity. To enable the Customer entity, navigate to Configuration ⇒ Dashboard settings ⇒ General settings and enable Enable management of customers and their locations.

Creating a customer dashboard account can be done in Customers ⇒ Customer Profile ⇒ Dashboard.

Here you can add their information such as name as well as email and password that they will use to log in. The same URL is used for Dashboadf logins, however, the Customer's view is limited to only seeing their Tasks and performing only the actions enabled for them.

Dashboard configuration options

The various options for the Customer Dashboard make it possible to individually customize the actions you enable your customers to take in their accounts, which will override the parameters previously set in the Configuration applied to them.

For example, if you usually don't allow Customers to upload Tasks via CSV, but you have a Customer who you want to allow this for, you can enable the option Enable task CSV import in their Customer profile. This will only affect this Customer in particular and no other Customer that has Dashboard access, since global settings for Customer Dash will be overwritten in this case.

Customizing the customer experience of the dashboard can be done in Configuration ⇒ Customer Dashboard.

There are multiple actions you can enable for them, and they are as follows:

For Task Import/Export:

  • Enable adding new tasks - which allows them to create pickup/deliveries that need to be performed on your end

  • Enable task CSV import - allows them to bulk-import tasks via CSV file so that they don't have to create them individually via task form

  • Enable task CSV export - allows customers to export their Tasks

For Task cancellation:

  • Task cancellation - configures up until which point the customer can cancel the task, this can also be completely disabled so that cancellation isn't an option. There are two options to choose from - Enabled until the Task is started (Tasks can be canceled anytime before Task execution has begun) and Enabled until the day of the Task (Tasks can be canceled anytime before the day of when Task execution has been set for)

For Scheduling and time-windows:

  • Enable scheduling for date range - if a customer is available to receive their package delivery for several days, for example, they can specify this by selecting a date range rather than a fixed date

  • Enable setting task time windows - allows the customer to set the time windows in which they want to receive their delivery

For Label printing and Location editing

  • Enable printing task labels - allows the customer to print the task label through the customer dashboard

  • Enable customer location editing - allows the customer to edit their default location in the task form

For Displayed task information:

  • Hide ETA information - this option will hide the ETA information from the Delivery tracking page.

  • ETA Message - an ETA message which will appear on the Delivers tracking page instead of the ETA information.

  • Show Task UID - allows the customer to see the UIDs of their Tasks

  • Show task items - allows the customer to see Task items.

  • Show task custom data fields - allows the customer to have access to Task custom fields.

  • Show Task history - allows the Customer to have insight into the entire Task History

  • Code snippet - allows the customer to add custom HTML in JavaScript code that will be included in the tracking page.

Please keep in mind that if you Enable Task CSV import for your Customers, they can't see which Zone the Tasks fall under in the Task Description. This is because the Customer Dashboard is not aware of Zones, and consequently Customers are not able to manage them because Zones are considered as internal operation assets.

Task Display Information and other Dashboard options

Customizing what the customer can see regarding their Task, or deciding which options to include/exclude from the Dashboard options can be done in Configuration ⇒ Customer Dashboard.

Here you can enable multiple data fields to be displayed such as:

  • Task UID

  • Task Reference

  • Task Items

  • Custom Data Fields

  • Task History

You can also configure how the ETA will be displayed to your customers by adding a customized message to be shown, hiding it completely, or selecting an approximate time range to be displayed instead of the specific time of arrival.

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