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SMS and Email Template Tags

Learn about all the different data fields you can use in your notification templates

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Sms Templates Tags

  • {{companyName}} – located in Configuration ⇒ Customer-facing information ⇒ Company name

  • {{tracking url}} – located in Tasks ⇒ Task Profile ⇒ Tracking Link

  • any task field such as {{customData}}, {{date}}, {{}} – for more information on task fields options, refer to this article.

Email Template Tags

  • {{contactName}} - same as {{location.contactName}} or {{pickup.location.contactName}} depending on the notification contact (pickup/delivery/depot)

  • {{contactPhone}} - same as above

  • {{date}}

  • {{timeWindow}}

  • {{arrived}} - time formatted as MM D, YYYY (ddd), HH:mm

  • {{code}}

  • {{nstructions}} - same as {{pickup.instructions}} depending on the contact

  • {{companyName}} - located in Configuration ⇒ Customer-facing information ⇒ Company name

  • {{supportEmail}} – located in Configuration ⇒ Customer-facing information ⇒ Company name

  • {{supportPhone}} - located in Configuration ⇒ Customer-facing information ⇒ Company name

  • {{trackingLink}} – located in Tasks ⇒ Task Profile ⇒ Tracking Link

  • any task field – for more information, refer to this article

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