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Auto Optimization

Learn how automatic optimization works, and how to enable-disable it.

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Automatic Optimization, or Auto Optimization is a default eLogii background action triggered automatically every time a route is reoptimized. This means that the initial route structure (Tasks that are included in the route), and shape (the order of execution, and the path between Tasks) are changed after performing a manual (manually adding Tasks to a route), or system (selecting a route and reoptimizing it, adding more Tasks and then pressing the reoptimize button) action.

By default Tasks with the En Route Task state are not included in Auto optimization (as well as Completed and Failed Tasks, because they are in finite Task states), only Tasks that haven't been set as En Route are eligible for reoptimization. You can, however, include them by enabling the Allow active tasks (en route) to be reoptimized in Configuration ⇒ Optimization ⇒ Additional options.

The same can be applied to Return Tasks. Enabling the option to Allow return tasks to be reoptimized in Configuration ⇒ Optimization ⇒ Additional options will run an optimization of the route once new Return Task has been created.

System actions triggering auto-optimization

Usually, the initial optimization is triggered by pressing the blue optimize button which will prompt the eLogii engine to organically create optimal Routes while honoring all the constraints, that were set in place. The auto-route optimization occurs when you either select a route (or multiple routes) and choose the Reoptimize option and each time you click the reoptimize button.

Every subsequent re-optimization may alter the existing Routes either by adding more Tasks to a particular route, moving Tasks with the route i.e. changing their execution order, reassigning them to another Driver, or removing a Task from a Route in place of another Task.

Manual actions triggering auto-optimization

Manual actions such as moving Tasks within an optimized route and changing their order, and assigning Tasks manually can trigger auto optimization. These actions my trigger the reoptimization of Routes that are being affected by these changes. This means that the order in which the Tasks are to be executed may change, depending on factors such as newly added Tasks having time windows that occur before the time windows of the initially optimized Tasks, or if the engine deduces that it would be more efficient to do the new Tasks before the old ones.

Preventing auto-optimization

Alongside locking routes, Auto optimization can be prevented by enabling the Do not automatically optimize route on update which can be found in Configuration ⇒ Optimization ⇒ Additional options.

Once this has been enabled, if you add Tasks to a route retroactively, they will not affect the existing Route, and will be at the very bottom of the Task list. If you wish for the engine to place them into the route, you select the Reoptimize option from the action bar. This will trigger a reoptimization , and the newly added Tasks will be placed into the route.

This action may change the order of the Tasks, or potentially remove Tasks from the route.

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