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Customer Import

How to bulk-import your customers

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

Bulk-uploading Customers can be done in the Customers β‡’ Import.
To learn how to enable the Customers tab, please refer to this article.

There is the option of choosing between uploading a CSV file that has already been created or downloading the template, filling it out, and importing it back to the dashboard.

When the template is downloaded, there are a few mandatory columns that need to be filled out so that the import is successful. These columns are the following:

  • Customer name

  • Address

  • Postcode

  • City

  • Country

  • Alternatively, you can use location longitude and latitude instead of the above-mentioned

Once the spreadsheet has been updated with the required data, click Select CSV file.

A preview of the file will be shown along with any possible errors it has. You can switch between seeing the errors only or downloading a file with the errors.

By hovering over the error label, you will be able to see any potential issues with the file.

Once any errors in the file have been fixed, please import again.

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