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Customer Import

How to bulk-import your customers

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Written by eLogii
Updated over 2 months ago

Bulk-uploading Customers can be done in the Customers ⇒ Import.

To be able to import Customers, they first need to be enabled in Configuration ⇒ Dashboard settings ⇒ General settings. Here, you need to switch the option to Enable management of customers and their locations on.

There is the option of choosing between uploading a CSV file that has already been created or downloading the template, filling it out, and importing it back to the dashboard.

When the template is downloaded, there are a few mandatory columns that need to be filled out so that the import is successful. These columns are the following:

  • Customer name (name)

  • Location Name (locations[0].name)

  • Location Address(ocations[0].address)

Other information such as location contact person name, email, phone number, store opening and closing hours, etc. are optional.

Once the spreadsheet has been updated with the required data, click Select CSV file.

A preview of the file will be shown along with any possible errors it has. You can switch between seeing the errors only or downloading a file with the errors.

By hovering over the error label, you will be able to see any potential issues with the file.

Once any errors in the file have been fixed, please import again.

Importing multiple locations

If you work with customers that have multiple store locations, instead of adding each location as a new customer entity, you can import multiple store locations at once under one customer. To do this, you need to follow the following formula:

locations[number of location].property name.

The number in the brackets is what tells eLogii that these are different locations under the same customer. The sequence always starts with 0 - and this means that if you wish to import 4 locations, the first location will be marked with 0, and the forth location with 3. The sequence for the location name would look like this:
locations[0].name, locations[0].address, ocations[1].name, locations[1].address, locations[2].name, locations[2].address and so on.

This is an example of a well-formatted sheet that contains multiple customers with multiple store locations:

Importing Store Opening/Closing Hours (Working time)

Importing location-based store opening/closing hours is possible by defining the location and the day in the import file and populating the file with the desired opening and closing times for each day for each store location. Like every other property, for customer locations, the opening/closing hours need to follow the same formula of locations[number of location].property name. The opening and closing hours need to be specified for each day for each defined location. If they are not specified for a specific day, eLogii will not associate any store opening. closing hours to Tasks uploaded on the day where store working time has not been specified - and those tasks will not have any time windows.

To add the days, they need to be defined in this format:
Monday - locations[number of location].schedule.Mon.timeWindows
Tuesday - locations[number of location].schedule.Tue.timeWindows

Wednesday - locations[number of location].schedule.Wed.timeWindows

Thursday - locations[number of location].schedule.Thu.timeWindows

Friday - locations[number of location].schedule.Fri.timeWindows

Saturday - locations[number of location].schedule.Sat.timeWindows

Sunday - locations[number of location].schedule.Sun.timeWindows

Remember that the first location in the sequence will always be marked as 0 in the brackets.
Here is an example of how it should look.

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