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How to create a new user account and define their user role

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

User accounts allow your team members to log into eLogii and perform various Tasks. You can have as many users as you want, and you can set different permission levels for them.

Users are often used together with the Teams feature for better Task delegation and Team-based planning and optimization. However, you can still set up Users without the need for Teams and the two features are not mutually exclusive.

Adding a New User

To add a new user navigate to Users ⇒ Add a User.

Populate the following mandatory fields:

  • First Name

  • Login Email

  • Login Password

Click on Save when all the information has been added.

Once their account has been created, users can log into eLogii with the credentials set up for them.

Defining a User Role

When creating a New User, a User Role needs to be assigned to each User, which will determine what functionality and features of the platform they can view/edit. Roles also impact their views in eLogii and the amount of freedom they have within the software. For example, Managers have access to Configuration Settings, while Operators do not have that option available to them.

The following Roles can be set for users:

  • Admin - Has full access and control over the system.

  • Manager - Has more restricted access to the Configuration options. In Configuration Settings, Managers cannot view nor access the Organization profile, Sub-Organizations, Plan and Billing, Integrations, Warehouse Operations settings, Imports/Exports, API Keys, and Webhooks.

  • Operator - Operators have a very limited view and they don't have access to Configuration Settings at all. They have access to the planning screen, Tasks, Drivers, Vehicles, Recurring Routes and Customers. They can perform Task import, and create new Drivers and Vehicles.

  • Customer Support - They have a view-only type of access. This means that they cannot perform any actions within eLogii other than viewing data.

  • Warehouse Operator - Warehouse Operators can only access the Warehouse operations screen and perform actions there.

The access level for each User Role is shown when creating a New User, as seen below.

User Role Differences

Different user roles include Admin, Manager, Operator, Warehouse Operator, and Customer Support.

Admin and Manager Roles

The Admin has full control over the system and can edit/view all operations and entities in the dashboard.

While the manager still has full access to the operational data, they have restricted control over some of the account and configuration data. This includes the API keys, webhooks, and billing sections.


The Operator role is meant to serve as a backbone of your operations - they have full control over tasks, routes, drivers, and vehicles, but are not able to manage organization users or configuration. In addition to that, you can assign operators to one or multiple Teams, where they would only be able to view and manage Tasks, Routes, Drivers, and Vehicles assigned to those Teams. They will not be able to see any data belonging to other Teams.

That being said, Depots are filtered based on the Teams the User belongs to. For example, if you have Team 1 and Team 2, and different Depots assigned to them, a User assigned to Team 1 will only be able to see Depots and Tasks associated with Team 1. Depots and Tasks that belong to Team 2 will be invisible to that User. Only adding that User to Team 2 will allow them to see those Depots and Tasks.
If you do not wish for your Operators to edit Tasks, you can switch this off in Configuration ⇒ Dashboard Settings ⇒ Operations -⇒ Other ⇒ Prevent Operators from editing Task.

Warehouse Operator

Warehouse Operators are only tied to the Warehouse Operations feature and they will only be able to view the Warehouse Operations tab.

Customer Support

The customer support role offers read-only access to the operational data in the dashboard (Tasks, Routes, Driver locations, etc.), but has no option of changing / editing.

Customer support users can export Route Tasks.

Please note the export functionality can experience a delay at times due to various factors such as the Tasks being updated live during the export.

They do not have view permissions over organization/account data and configuration.

Role behavior

There are a couple of things that should be noted:

  • If Managers are not assigned to any team, it means that they manage all Teams and can see and influence the operations of all Teams.

  • If you want to limit that the Manager can manage only one or specific Teams, assigning a Team to the Manager will prevent them from being able to view all other Teams' operations. This way, the Manager is restricted to only the Team they are assigned to. This will also mean that they will not be able to view any Teams they're not assigned to in the Teams section.

  • If an Admin user is assigned to a specific Team, they will only be able to view and plan operations for that Team, however, unlike Managers, Admins will be able to view all existing Teams in the Team section regardless of whether they're assigned to them or not.

  • Admins and Managers can view Tasks and Drivers without an assigned Team and plan routes for them.

  • Operators who are not assigned to any Team will be able to view and plan operations for all Teams. If an Operator is assigned to a specific Team, or Teams, they will be able to view only the Tasks and Drivers assigned to that specific Team. Unlike Managers and Admins, Operators cannot view Drivers and Tasks without assigned Teams.

Role adjustments

It's also possible to override some of the default role permissions in Configuration ⇒ Dashboard Settings ⇒ Operations -⇒ Other. You can Prevent operators from editing Task details, and also prevent operators from change order value, or Task dimensions specifically.

In case you wish to impose more restrictions, you can prevent all non-admin users from changing the Task date, or from editing Task details,

Suspending users

In case you want to disable a user from accessing their account temporarily, or permanently without deleting their account data you can simply switch on the Suspend user toggle.

If you wish for this user to regain access to their account, simply switch the toggle off.

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