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Range planning

Plan your operations and organize your Team's workflow on a weekly, or a custom date range basis.

Written by eLogii
Updated over a week ago

This article covers different aspects of Range planning and they are as follows:

Range planning overview

The Range planning feature (sometimes referred to as Weekly planning) gives you an overview of multiple days worth of data including Tasks, Drivers, and Routes.

It’s possible to select a date range and navigate left and right through the date picker either by selecting the weeks manually or by choosing any of the preset options available in the picker. A custom period can also be set and up to 30 days can be selected. To do this, click on the date, drag the cursor to the end date, and click on it.

You can easily switch between the Weekly and the Daily planning mode by clicking on the Daily button (or Weekly, depending on which mode you’re using) next to the date picker.

Alternatively, you can switch views by clicking on the Range planning view located on the top bar, above the map.

Similarly to the Daily planning screen, all Tasks are located on the left-hand side of the screen.

Bottom panel

The table containing a list of all the Drivers and the days corresponding to the selected date range is located in the bottom panel. Routes are located in the cross-section of the table Hovering the pointer over any of the routes will display additional information for the route such as Driver schedule utilization, Vehicle capacity utilization, Number of tasks, Route length, Vehicle capabilities, and Driver schedule.

It will show normal daily routes for each of the optimized Drivers for each of the days in the date range. If you click on a particular route, on the right-hand side you will see the route task order. It’s similar to the one on the daily planner, the only difference is that it does not list drivers, since they are already listed on the bottom panel.

Bottom panel controls

These controls are as follows:

  • Search bar - this allows you to search for all your Drivers

  • Show selected Drivers – when selecting multiple drivers that you want to work with, if this is enabled, it will only list the selected ones. Next to this are two buttons - Show Drivers with assigned routes and Show Drivers without routes,

  • Lock /unlock/ clear routes - Locking routes for selected days and Drivers will make the routes appear grayed out. They can be unlocked or cleared – which means that you would be unassigning Tasks from Drivers.

  • Driver quick select button - the green button is located under the search bar and it allows you to select all the drivers that you want to optimize for.

  • Day and route quick selection button - the yellow button under the search bar. It allows you to select all the days in the panel with one click.

Drivers can be disabled for particular days, which adds an exception to their schedule and clears out their schedule for the selected days. Previously disabled Drivers can be enabled again by selecting the days they are unavailable for and clicking on the check mark icon to include them in optimizations.

Hovering your cursor over a particular day will prompt a tooltip that contains additional information on the selected Route. Namely the basic information such as Vehicle and Schedule, alongside the route length, route costs, as well as the Driver's schedule for that day, and their skills. You will also be able to see how many Tasks have been completed out of the total number of assigned Tasks.

Right-clicking on the Driver will prompt a context menu that contains Driver details, Assignment Options, and many more.

It should be noted that disabling a Driver while they have an assigned route will not automatically clear out their Tasks. This needs to be performed manually regardless of this action.

Additional Driver options

Right-clicking any of the Drivers will show a prompt menu with various options. Please keep in mind that at the moment, these actions cannot be performed in bulk, only for one Driver at a time.

Driver Quick view

The Driver Quick view will show you a detailed display of the entire setup for the desired Driver right from the Planning screen. This is a view-only option, which means that editing Driver information can only be done through the Driver section. Clicking the edit button will take you to the Driver section of eLogii where you will be able to make any changes to the Driver information.

Driver Details

Selecting this option will take you to the Driver section of eLogii.

Add Schedule exception

It's also possible to create schedule exceptions via the Range planning screen. You can define a date range during which a Driver can have time off, which will exclude him from any optimizations scheduled for dates when the exception is active.

Alternatively, you can temporarily override his start/end location, Skills, and even his schedule for single-day or multi-day routes.

Assign to a Team

This option lets you quickly assign a Driver to a specific team.

If the Driver already belongs to another team, or if you assigned them to a team retroactively, you will get the option to unassign any Teams this Driver belongs to.

Exclude from Optimization

This action will exclude the Driver from all optimizations for the selected period in the Range planning date picker.

Assignment options

Right-clicking the Driver will prompt an option menu where you can find Assignment options. Upon selecting Assignment options from the context menu there will be a few options to choose from:

  1. Assign a set of skills to Drivers from the predetermined selection

  2. Assign a Driver to different Depots

  3. Assign a Driver to different Zones

Click Save once you've made any assignment changes to apply them.

Change Vehicle

This option allows users to quickly swap the Driver's Vehicle.

Click Save once you've made any assignment changes to apply them.

Export Weekly Routes or Tasks

You can export Routes and Tasks from those routes by clicking the Export button.

This will prompt a pop-up that will allow you to choose what information you want to export either for the Routes, or the Tasks.

You can also set the selected entities as default by checking the box next to the Set this selection as default option. As long as this option is selected, the last selection will be saved, and the selected items will always be checked when you want to export data,

If you have different sets of data you'd like to export separately, you can create and save different presets and apply them when you wish to perform a specific type of export.

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